Day 16 – 40 Day Challenge

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fiverr-inspiringmompreneurs-comWow… Day 16 already of my 40 Day Challenge to Drive Traffic to my Site. Time has flown! My Forbes Task for Today was to:

“Post more frequently – Neil Patel of QuickSprout found that by posting high-quality posts 6x per week (as opposed to 5), blog traffic increased by 18.6%. Find your magic number and commit to seeing it through. Remember that in many cases, the traffic increases you see from blogging are scalable.”

Aha! This is exactly what I’ve been doing with my 40 Day Challenge… posting every day.  I’ve felt some posts have been too short, though.

I’ve had very limited time this last week so I haven’t been applying myself to these exercises as well as I should.

There is one Strategy I have implemented this week to help me post more frequently…


Well, to be more specific:

Adding Gigs on fiverr that sell the opportunity to “Guest Post on my Mom Blog”

I got this killer idea this week from a friend and fellow Mom blogger, Lynne Huysamen, (Kaboutjie, Living with Addiction, Small Online Business Opportunity).  She’s been trying out a new strategy she devised on Fiverr, and it’s working brilliantly for her.  Here’s her best selling gig and the first guest article she published: The Martyr Mom.

Lynne kindly allowed me to implement her clever strategy and use her template.  However, I’m not expecting the same results as her, just yet. Because Kaboutjie’s Domain Authority (DA)*  is 10 points higher than Inspiring Mompreneurs and Lynne has a much bigger following on Social media than I have.  Lynne can promise shares to a social network of 100,000+ people.  It will take a while longer for me to reach that level.  All in time. 😉

Here’s my Fiverr ProfileHere’s how you can join Fiverr

Encouraging to see in my fiverr analytics that I’ve had 148 page views after 1 day.  At least I’m on the board now. I’ve been a member of fiverr for a few months and couldn’t work out what gig to add on fiverr until now. If you’re not in, you can’t win it, right?

* Don’t know your sites DA? Learn why and how to download Moz Tool Bar on  Day 11, Guest Post on Relevant Sites.

Update on my Fiverr Gigs (24 January 2017):

I received my first fiverr order at the beginning of January and fiverr has been keeping me pretty busy since then.

So far I’ve earned $40 on fiverr and I’m busy with another $20 order at the moment.   I’ve only received 5 Star Ratings so far, which is really exciting and should help me get more orders.

Fiverr Academy’s Levels System is Interesting… 

Here’s what’s required from you to move up all 3 levels

Here’s how to move up to Level 1

Here are the Benefits of Each of Level

Here are the posts I’ve added so far through my fiverr gigs. So far only one was a true “Guest Post”. The other 2 articles I was asked to write myself.

Clever Mum Invents Baby Nail Trimmer to Relieve Parents Stress

3 Reasons to Buy Your Little One a Teepee in 2017

Should You Stay Married for the Kids?

Are you making money on fiverr?  Would love to hear your comments…

If you haven’t joined fiverr yet, as a buyer or a seller, click here.


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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

5 Replies to “Day 16 – 40 Day Challenge”

  1. Ursula

    Wow, you sound so enthusiastic and goal oriented, it’s inspiring! I’ve not been able to spend as much time as I wanted here on Wealthy Affiliate due to pre-Christmas business, but I’m glad I found your site and learnt some extra tricks I might want to use once the busy season is over.
    Wishing you all the best!


    • Lauren Kinghorn Post author

      Hi Ursula, thanks so much for your compliments!
      I know exactly what you mean about time being minimal this time of year. Glad you found my posts useful. All the best to you, xx Lauren

  2. Lynne Huysamen

    Hi Lauren, yay I got mentioned on your blog that is so cool!

    My website may be stronger than yours Lauren and my social following larger but this all comes with time and hard work. My mommy blog was launched in 2012 so it has age on its side too which counts a lot when you are looking at Domain Authority.

    Keep up with posting regularly and you will see great things happening. Yes I agree that the longer posts really do help with ranking your website but posting daily also has its uses like getting the Google spiders to crawl your website more often and this helps too.

    I do think that it is better to publish a shorter post every now and then if it means you can keep up with your target posting schedule.

    I wouldn’t sweat it too much to be honest, just keep writing and it will all come together for sure.

    Just regarding the Fiverr gigs, look at how you have worded your gig and how other people have worded their gigs. Don’t copy their text, since this is just not nice, but use it to get an idea of how the gigs that rank well on Fiverr are doing.

    And every time someone favorites your gig that increases your ranking a bit, plus when you start getting orders you will be ranked better.

    So ask some close friends and family to go and give your services a heart to start. I’m on my way there now!

    I’ll tell Thea from Cupcakenism her guest post has been mentioned, she will be chuffed as can be!

    Oh and I have a new one from her which I just need to get published soon.


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