Day 17 – 40 Day Challenge

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Day 17 of my 40 Day Challenge my Forbes Task for Today is  “Submit your posts to Reddit”


reddit-inspiringmompreneurs-comI’ve heard the name Reddit bandied about by bloggers  a few times, but never taken a moment to look into it deeper.  Today I had no excuse.  I googled it and clicked on to their website.  Phew!  Their home page looked a little overwhelming but I decided to overlook that and trust the advice I had just been given: “Yes, this also still works”.  The last time Jayson deMers proclaimed “it works” in his article, was on Day 5 in reference to StumbleUpon.   And StumbleUpon has been driving traffic to my site.

So… was just about to dive straight in and sign up…only, I wasn’t sure if I should sign up as Lauren Kinghorn or Inspiring Mompreneurs.  So I popped onto Wealthy Affiliate for some training on Reddit first.

What a good move that turned out to be.  I discovered this gem of a training by Jason GB.

Build Your Business Socially – Engage on Reddit 

His Do’s and Don’t’s Guide is awesome and gave me a really good idea of how to go about engaging on Reddit.

These 5 Do’s and Don’t’s were highlights for me:

  1. DON’T just submit links to your blog. You’ll be seen as a spammer and could be blocked.
  2. Share 1 of your posts a day (max) to begin with.
  3. DO share other peoples posts…
  4. DON’T share your post on multiple subreddits…find the most appropriate community and share it once. Multiple shares of the same post is spam…and Reddit hates spam and self promotion. Its about community and engaging with others.

I read further, and found the answer to my question:

When selecting a username – match it to your business name….you want your business name to grow…not your personal name.

I also found this really helpful Strategy Plan at the end of the training:

  • Devise your Reddit marketing plan and set up your profile.
  • Start by listening! What is being said in the subreddits? What’s being shared? What interests the people in the subreddit communities? What kind of content is engaging them the most and getting shared the most?
  • Start adding comments – good comments – as taught here at WA…add comments that engage or require a response
  • When you’re ready to post your own content do it wisely. Choose a title that generates interest, use keywords to find the best subreddit, ask questions or offer solutions…ensure your submission seeks engagement.

I then found a few other posts by Wealthy Affiliate members, saying how they got slated on Reddit for posting their own content, so I’m definitely going to follow Jason’s advice and take this slow.

I signed up with my username: InspiringMompreneurs

Next I had to search for my subreddits.  So I typed in Mom Entrepreneurs and was offered these options:

I subscribed to Subreddits:  EntrepreneurMommit and Parenting.

Loved Mommit’s description: We are people. Mucking through the ickier parts of child raising. It may not always be pretty, fun and awesome, but we do it. And we want to be here for others who are going through the same experiences and offer a helping hand.

Parenting Led me to a couple of other great options:

Mom Bloggers (new!) & Family

I also subscribed to Breastfeeding ,  Attachment Parenting and Natural Parents.

That should keep me busy for a while!


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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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