Organising Your Life Before Christmas

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It feels as if summer has only just gone away for another year, but we are already just under 100 days until Christmas. It might feel like you’ve blinked and another year has gone by, and the pandemic certainly hasn’t helped.

Now that we have only a few months until Christmas, it is time for us to get organised and start to get our lives and our homes ready for the festive season.

Today we want to take a look at some of the different things you can do to prepare for the festive season and get ready for Christmas.

Organising Your Life Before Christmas

Organising Your Life Before Christmas | 5rtQ7HLwUrKxqTrXUJ7bOBdKLngQPjICraUvXDeL6 MZwplCWbIemDfoO D1IZ2FsMUAT6VK9FoOETxoZEbe5sfHf1m3Fh7DT2VdCbEPpCroM ODHvrN7myOKyWN4OFe2P5ZhFCJ=s0

Image credit: Pixabay

Now that we have only a few months until Christmas, it is time for us to get organised and start to get our lives and our homes ready for the festive season. #getorganized #organizingyourlife #beforechristmasClear out clutter

The first and most important job you need to do before Christmas comes around is to clear out the clutter in your home and get it tidy.

At Christmas, we all end up with random items such as gifts, decorations, and other things and it can quickly overwhelm the home and make it feel smaller.

Now is the ideal time for you to have a good old clear out of the home and get ready for the chaos that will ensue in the month of December.

Redecorate the house 

Have you been getting bored of your house recently? Now is the perfect time to make some lasting changes to the house and decorate it ready for the festive season.

Grab some paints from your local diy shop and revamp your house before you start decorating for the festivities. This will be such a good way to add a fresh vibe to your home and you will feel like you are living in a whole new home.

Start working out

Christmas is notoriously a time when we indulge in treats and eat far more than we should. Before you treat yourself during the week between Christmas and new year, why not take the opportunity to slim down and shed some of those niggling pounds?

We all know how hard it can be to stay on track with a diet when mince pies and chocolate are in the house – and that’s why slimming down now will allow you to treat yourself without the guilt.

Eat a balanced diet

Speaking of slimming down for the festive season, you should also consider a change in diet to lower your calorie intake for a while before fatty foods come into your home.

This can include swapping out rice for cauliflower rice, using smaller plates to reduce your calories, and eating more leafy greens throughout the day.

Once you make this change and slim down, you will feel much happier and more ready for your Christmas feast!

Get a new car 

If you have a small car, it might be time for you to upgrade to a larger model with Edmunds and prepare for all of that Christmas shopping.

Whether it be picking up a real Christmas tree from a local store, grabbing your big Christmas food shop, or taking people out for a trip to the Christmas markets – a bigger car is a great idea and will be more practical for everyone.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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