New Mothers: A Guide to Boosting Your Fitness Levels

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How to Get Fit After a Pregnancy

Guest Post by Ethan Clark

We all know that working out offers excellent physical and mental health benefits. Exercising improves your cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and makes your bones and muscles stronger.

Women who have just given birth can reap the benefits of exercising too.

However, one significant challenge they face is how they can get into working out without risking their health. Often after a long hiatus from training your body may need a little time to adjust before becoming accustomed again to intense workouts.

Additionally, our bodies are not the same after giving birth, and it may take varying periods before you regain your fitness levels.

Here are safety tips on how you can get back to working out after having a baby.  #HowtoGetFitAfteraPregnancy

It can take a while to get back into an exercise routine once you become a Mom. Self-care starts here. #HowtoGetFitafteraPregnancy #Fitness #SelfCare #HealthandWellnessWait Until the Bleeding Stops

Once you’ve started doing your exercise, always listen to your body and don’t assume anything.

If you notice any signs of bleeding, please stop working out until the bleeding stops. It’s better that you give your body ample time to heal before exercising again.

Start with Light Workouts

Low-intensity workouts that put little pressure on your joints and muscles are excellent.

If you had a vaginal birth, you could try doing abdominal drills and pelvic floor exercises after two or three days. However, if you experience any pain don’t overlook it, it’s best you stop until you can perform the moves with comfort.

You can also go for light walks around your neighbourhood. With time, you can work up to building your pace and intensity.

If you’ve had a c-section, avoid exercises that’ll put pressure on your abdominal muscles during the first four months. Instead, opt for workouts such as cycling and light walks/jogging.

Workout Supplements

If you had been working out before, workout supplements could help you get your groove back. You can visit and shop for your preferred training substance. Before using workout-enhancing products seek guidance from a professional Doctor on whether it’ll have any side-effects on your newborn.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Fitness and healthy meals go hand in hand. Healthy foods will ensure your body gets an adequate supply of minerals and nutrients that’ll boost your fitness levels. Besides that, a healthy diet will help you train better and more efficiently.

Get Adequate Rest

Taking care of your new bundle of joy naturally brings additional responsibilities. It is essential that you take some time and rest to give your muscles time to recover and rebuild. Moreover, this will also help your brain relax.

Stay Hydrated

Once you’re comfortable with your training routine, remember to drink adequate amounts of liquids – more so if you are breastfeeding. Always carry water with you during your workout sessions.

Discuss it With Your Doctor

If you’re having trouble finding a perfect workout routine you can seek help from a certified medical professional. He/she will be able to assess your condition and fitness levels and give you advice on how best you can maintain your health and fitness.

Join A Club

Most Fitness Centres offer unique training boot camps for new mothers. You can join one and start training under the guidance of a professional.

Thanks, Ethan. I needed this reminder.

Have you got back into exercise yet? It took me 5 years to join a Gym again after having my son.  I’ve enjoyed a few Yoga and Pilates classes there but I’m still not in a regular routine and definitely far from fit.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

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