Dr Shelton Zenith Labs on How to Keep Healthy Working at Home

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Dr Shelton Zenith Labs on How to Keep Healthy Working at Home

The Covid-19 pandemic has driven more people to work at home than ever before. How has working at home affected our health? This is an excellent question.

While social distancing and isolation are keys to preventing the spread of the disease, working at home has affected our health in other ways.

In an article on HomeBusinessMag.com, Dr Shelton Zenith Labs tackles 5 common health problems we face when working at home.  Let’s have a look at each of them.

How to Overcome Health Problems When Working from Home

How has working at home affected our health? Dr Shelton Zenith Labs tackles 5 common health problems in this post on how to keep healthy working at home. #drsheltonzenithlabs #howtokeephealthyworkingathome

For parents, the most difficult part of working at home is that they had to tack on the responsibility of homeschooling their children to their already packed schedule.  Let’s get specific on how this affected our health.

1. Eye Strain

Working at home and homeschooling children means both the parents and their children are on a computer or tablet most of the day. It can also mean working longer hours than usual. However, excessive screen time can lead to eye strain.

Dr. Ryan Shelton recommends investing in spectacles with lenses that eliminate blue light.

Additionally, certain foods can help with eyesight. Here, Dr Shelton gives a list of the Top 7 foods that will improve your eyesight.

In this video, Dr. Shelton of Zenith Labs recommends eating foods that are high in lutein zeaxanthin, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and proanthocyanins.

  1. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and bok choy
  2. Leafy Greens like swiss chard, romaine lettuce and spinach
  3. Squashes including butternut and pumpkin
  4. Corn
  5. Peas
  6. Eggs
  7. Bilberry and Rosehip Tea

2. Stress and Nervous Tension

Some parents have felt less stressed because they no longer have to beat through the rush hour traffic to ferry children to school and make it to the office in time.

Some parents have found their health negatively affected by this change.  They feel more stressed because they must homeschool their children online while still handling their usual workload.

Also, having the entire family in the house 24-7 can cause friction, especially if you have children of all different ages and stages of development.  Add to the mix a spouse working at home who’s not used to all the noise and activity and things can spin out of control quickly.

In this video, Dr. Shelton of Zenith Labs discusses the most powerful tool we have at our disposal to calm our frayed nerves, reduce stress and anxiety, and even lower our blood pressure.

Dr. Shelton goes in-depth into a couple of scientific studies showing the benefits of breathing to reduce stress and improve mental focus and gives a quick breathing technique you can use to destress.

Related: Meditate with Gravity and Heal Your Mind

3. Eating too Much

When we become more sedentary, we tend to eat more. We’re home in front of a laptop and then still home in front of the TV, what do we do?  Snack. Usually on comfort foods.  We also drink more coffee and alcohol to “survive” the stresses we just mentioned in point 2.

The next thing we know, we’ve packed on a few extra pounds.

If this has happened to you, you’ll enjoy Dr. Shelton’s Superfoods Smoothie for Fast Weight Loss. It includes a special ingredient to detox your liver.

4. Eating the Wrong Foods

When we’re home, spinning out, we also tend to binge on foods that are usually overly processed and loaded with sugar and salt. Especially if they are within easy reach.

Too much of this kind of eating can lead to obesity and serious health issues, like heart disease and diabetes.

A quick fix is not to have these kinds of foods in the house at all but instead, stock your pantry with healthier options.

What should you be eating instead? Dr. Shelton answers this question in this video on the best foods to eat for high blood pressure.

One of the most important takeaways from this video is to eat foods that reduce inflammation in the body.

The most important foods to avoid are processed or refined foods.   Opt instead for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds.  Dr. Shelton also mentions specific minerals, herbs, and spices that reduce inflammation in the body.

5. Muscle and Joint Strain

One of the biggest problems of working at home is that we’re not set up for it. Our new home office is not likely to have the fancy ergonomic chairs and desks we might have at the office. For many of us, we’re working and teaching children at the kitchen table.

We’re also not moving as much as we did when we were out and about. Many parents have not found the time to exercise and attend to their self-care during quarantine.

This can cause back, neck, or shoulder pain and stiffness in our joints.  One of the quick remedies for this is to set an alarm to get up and move and stretch every 20 to 30 minutes.

Even getting up to make yourself a cup of tea or fetch a glass of water or a healthy snack, will help relieve some of the strain on your body.

Also, it’s important to be aware of your posture and make yourself as comfortable as you possibly can.

Dr. Shelton from Zenith Labs has a great video on The Ultimate Morning Routine For Energy and Longevity.

Dr. Shelton’s morning routine includes:

  • some deep breathing
  • setting your intention for the day
  • some movement and stretching
  • having water, probiotics, and apple cider vinegar

Even if you just incorporated one of these activities into your own morning routine, you’d start the day happier, lighter and more in control.


With Dr. Shelton’s awesome tips, you can use this time to improve your daily habits, reduce your stress levels, lose weight, and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Try out the suggestions in the videos to become calmer, more productive, and more focused, so you can get your work done, happily.

As an added bonus, with vibrant health, you also have the best chance of overcoming Covid-19, should you contract the virus.

This post was sponsored by Diamond Bloggers. All opinions are my own.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

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