Day 9 – 40 Day Challenge

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join-blogging-community-inspiringmompreneurs-comToday’s Forbes Task –  “Join a blogging community like ProBlogger or CopyBlogger  – This is a great way to network with other bloggers, and to cross-promote each other’s content.”

Signed up for Pro Blogger, but the only networking opportunities that appear to exist are Connecting with Pro Blogger on Facebook and Twitter.    They do have a very nice Jobs Column for Bloggers and Freelance Writers.  Many of the positions are “Work from Anywhere” and “Part Time” positions.

I signed up to Copy Blogger in July and have been receiving an email from them every week with valuable information – however, I don’t feel I joined a community of bloggers.

At this stage I’m not convinced ProBlogger or CopyBlogger will give me access to a network of other bloggers (unless I join Facebook or Twitter), but, fortunately, I’m already networking with bloggers in the wonderfully supportive community of  Wealthy Affiliate. In fact, this is probably the no. 1 benefit of being a member of Wealthy Affiliate.  They have a very active online forum. I have made real friends at Wealthy Affiliate.  You can join Wealthy Affiliate Free, or take advantage of their Killer Black Friday Special like I just did.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a true Blogging Community. Here’s how:

  1. Members Blog about their blogging experiences within Wealthy Affiliate’s Forum (many of these posts are highly motivational)
  2. Fellow members comment on other members blogs
  3. Members can ask questions
  4. Other, more experienced Members answer members questions
  5. Live Chat offers a way to get questions answered super fast
  6. Site Comments offers a way to give and receive comments on website posts
  7. Site Feedback offers a way to give and receive feedback on websites
  8. All this interaction is monitored by Wealthy Affiliate.  The more you interact, the more you move up the ranks.  The Top 25 Members are promoted to Ambassadors. Very simply, Ambassadors have more credibility and get more readership than the other members
  9. Members who have been with Wealthy Affiliate for 3 months can Create Training for the Community
  10. Members who have created Training get paid monthly for their Training based on the Training’s popularity amongst other members, for as long as it remains popular.

Beautiful story – Just this week, one member paid for another member’s annual membership to keep them in the programme because their posts were so motivational.

Bottom line – if you’re even remotely active on Wealthy Affiliate, you feel you’re part of a community who cares.  There have been so many blog posts written about the wonderful Community Spirit that exists on WA.  Here are a few:

I Wish Life was like Being in the Wealthy Affiliate Community

Use the Wealthy Affiliate Social Community

The Generosity of the Wealthy Affiliate Community

How Participating in the WA Community Benefits You and Your Business

I’ve also started networking with other bloggers on Pinterest.  If they join my group, Mompreneurs Unite, and pin their articles, I sign up for their newsletter, and/or pop onto their website and leave a comment on one of my favourite posts.

On that score, I really need to activate the forum on my own site (Day 3)!  What better way to network with other bloggers than on my own website? I discovered some of the Forum software in Widgets today, but still haven’t found the place on my dashboard where I can actually create a forum.  I’m sure I’ll have that sorted sometime in the next 31 Days.








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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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