Stressful Exam or Qualification Coming up? Here Are Some Ways To Help You Crush It

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Crush Exam Stress

Examinations and qualifications are always stressful. Whether you’ve got an upcoming law exam or a driving test, there are probably countless different things on your mind.

You’re likely scrambling around trying to remember things for the last day, dreading the moment when you sit down and start taking the test in front of watchful eyes.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to help you crush the exam or test that you’ve got coming up. Even if you’ve forgotten all the little cram tricks that you used back in your school days, this post will help reinvigorate your mood and offer some useful advice.

Stressful Exam or Qualification Coming up? Here Are Some Ways To Help You Crush It |

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Have a relaxing and productive study space

It’s a good idea to look at your surroundings to see how you can make it more comfortable and suit your needs. Creating a productive space usually involves having a comfortable chair, a desk at a good height, and also plenty of light so that you can see what you’re doing.

It might also help to have storage and organisation accessories on your desk to help you keep track of everything. You might also want to avoid putting any electronics such as a computer or laptop to distract you unless you need it for your studying.

Get rid of distractions during your study periods

In order to have an effective study period where you learn a lot, it’s important to switch off all of the distractions around you. It doesn’t matter how you do it–just make sure that you turn them off.

For example, you might find that you look at your phone a lot when you study because it keeps buzzing with notifications. Make sure you turn off your phone to avoid this so you can focus on studying.

If you still find yourself looking at your phone, then you may want to keep your phone in another room so that you’re less likely to get up and go get it unless there’s a call.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to help you crush the exam or test that you’ve got coming up. Herewith some useful advice to help ease exam tension.  #stressfulexams #crushexamstress #crushexamsUse preparation courses

If the qualification or examination is really serious then it’s a good idea to try out a preparation course.  For example, you could take MCAT prep courses if you’re planning to take the Medical College Admission Test, or you could even look at past examinations if they’re available to you.

There are tonnes of resources out there to help you prepare for your qualification or exam–you just need to look for it or ask around for some advice.

Start studying as early as possible

While cramming may have worked in the past, for you, it’s vital that you don’t leave everything to the last day or even the last week before you have to take the exam.

Practice as much as possible and get started as soon as you can so that you have plenty of time to sharpen your skills and refresh your knowledge. This is one of the best ways to ensure that you’ll crush the exam because it prepares your body and mind for the stress ahead.


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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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