Meet Vidya Ravi – FB Ads Strategist Supreme

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Vidya Ravi is the perfect example of someone who is living the principles of the Law of Attraction. Vidya’s success story as an FB Ads Strategist started with reading a fantasy book.

Vidya loved reading so much that publishers and authors started sending her ARC’s (Advanced Reading Copies) to review them before publication.

Her reading hobby led her to a publisher looking for marketing and tech experience. Vidya already had a job as a Computer Science Engineer and thrived on tech, all she had to learn was the marketing side.

“Opportunities are everywhere. I loved reading a lot, it’s not that I was going to get a job around it. I already had a job and was happy. Reading was my hobby.” – Vidya Ravi

One opportunity led to another and here she is, a successful Facebook Marketing Specialist, with a background as an Engineer and extensive sales funnel experience, producing outstanding results for her clients.

What impresses me most about Vidya’s story?  

That at each turn, she has chosen to focus on doing what she loves.

What makes Vidya so successful as an FB Ads Strategist?

She loves reading storybooks and she’s a born storyteller – hence the name of your company, StoryBird Ads.

And,  that she really cares about her client’s success. Vidya is an introvert who says teaching is not her forte, yet her clients see her as a Business Coach.

Find out how Vidya took her unique set of skills and passions and created an online empire that’s barrelling towards the 7-figure mark, in this interview.

Meet Vidya Ravi – FB Ads Strategist and Founder of StoryBird Ads

Lauren: What has been the number one highlight of your career?

Vidya: We did 42x in revenue for one of our clients last year ($110k in revenue from $2600 in ad-spend).

Lauren: Wow, that’s amazing, Vidya.  Especially when the industry standard is to make $4 for every $1 spent  (4:1 vs 42:1)

What has been the greatest challenge for you to overcome in your career?

Vidya: The fear of being judged.

Lauren: What has been the number one highlight of Motherhood for you?

Vidya: Learning from my son about love and life.

Lauren: Aah, beautiful.  What has been the greatest challenge for you to overcome as a Mother?

Vidya: Mom-guilt when I am working and he wants to play. 

Lauren: Oh, yes, all too familiar. All things considered, do you feel it was a good decision to become an Entrepreneur?

Vidya: Totally.  THE best decision!

Vidya Ravi is a super successful, results-oriented FB Ads Strategist. What makes Vidya so successful as an FB Ads Strategist? She loves reading storybooks and she's a born storyteller. And she cares about her client's success. Read more... #fbadsstrategist #facebookmarketingspecialist #featuredmompreneur #inspiringmompreneurs

Lauren:  If you were to die tomorrow, would you be at peace knowing you had lived a full, happy and meaningful life? Or would you feel you were dying with your song unsung?

Vidya: I have been living my life exactly as I want and I take risks.  So, yes, I would be at peace if I die tomorrow. 

Lauren: Which tools of the trade have been enormously helpful for you?

Vidya: Google tools – all of them.

Lauren: Who has been enormously helpful to you? Do you have mentors in business?  

Vidya: Yes, without them, it would be extremely slow.  Akbar Sheikh and Julie Stoian are my best coaches.

Lauren: Who is your target market? If I were to give you a referral, who would I be looking for? 

Vidya: Infopreneurs and e-comm manufacturers.

Lauren: Is there anything you feel you gained by becoming an Entrepreneur?

Vidya: Lots of personal growth and a business that operates with integrity. 

Lauren: Do you feel you chose an easy path or a difficult one?

Vidya: I think that I chose the right path – it really doesn’t matter whether it’s easy or difficult. 

Are you looking to scale your coaching or training business using Facebook Ads this year?

How to Work with Vidya Ravi, FB Ads Strategist

After this interview, I know for certain that I’ll be placing my faith in Vidya Ravi and her team to reach a laser-targeted audience once I’ve created my signature course or coaching program.

If you’re a high-performance coach or course creator looking to scale your business this year, and you’re looking into growing your audience, do yourself a favour and listen to this podcast.

Vidya understands that coaches are usually not salespeople and that her job is to grow their coaching practice. She cares about her client’s success and has helped a number of clients grow to 6-figures and even 7-figures.

Vidya’s clients say that her FB Ad Campaigns produce potential clients who are already warmed up and looking to work with them.  Which frees them up to do what they do best, coach their clients, rather than sell to them.

I learned a lot about Vidya from watching these client testimonials.

Christin and Dr. Michael Bummer of The Forever Diet 

Christin and Mike speak about how Vidya has helped them succeed in a highly competitive niche (Health and Wellness) because she is invested in their success and how she’s helped them rise up in a highly competitive niche (Health and Wellness).  They see her as not just a Facebook Ads Strategist but a Business Coach. 

Shonnie LavenderParent Coach

Vidya helped her strategise and create a funnel for her “Stop Shame” coaching program, planning out a webinar and ads.  They helped set up the sales funnel, found the imagery, wrote the ad copy and set up a bot to give people reminders.

It Shonnie’s her best launch ever and the first time she was able to generate a sale on the webinar. Shonnie was able to sell to existing clients and also reach entirely new people, growing her circle of influence.

Kristen Miller of Practical Mommy

Kristen was totally blown away by the sales audit Vidya did on her Facebook Ads account.

When I asked Vidya how to start working with her, she said that an audit was the best place to start.

If you decide to start working with Vidya afterwards, she will discount the money you spent on the audit as this is something she includes in her service when she works with new clients.

Book a Consultation with Vidya

More Great Testimonials from Vidya’s Clients

Follow Vidya Ravi and StoryBird Ads 

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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