Why Self Care Is Essential For Mompreneurs

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Life is busy, right? If you’re a mom and an aspiring businesswoman, then we are assuming your answer is a resounding YES!

On a daily basis, you will be catering to the needs of both your family and your business, so your schedule is likely to be jam-packed. One moment you will be gathering your kids up for the daily school run and the next you’ll probably be answering work emails, dealing with customers, or updating your business website. And then the kids will be home with all of their homework, meal, and personal needs, which might lead to this one question:

When did I get time for myself today?

Are we relating to you? Do you struggle to look after your personal needs because of your busy mom and work-life?

If so, now is the time to think about self-care. You aren’t being selfish when you look after your own needs as there are all kinds of reasons why self-care is important. We have highlighted some of these reasons below.

Why Self-Care Is Essential For Mompreneurs

Why Self-Care is Essential

#1: You Will Reduce Your Stress Levels

The life of a mompreneur is not always an easy one. With so much to do in the day, it’s understandable if you get more than a little stressed from time to time.

Dealing with your children’s behavior one moment and then managing a grumpy customer the next is bound to impinge on your stress levels. The sheer amount of things you need to get done in the day will also cause you to feel stressed, especially if you have deadlines to meet.

If you don’t do anything in the way of self-care, stress might get the better of you. It could cause you to feel ill or to behave in ways that aren’t natural for you. These are issues that you obviously want to avoid so find ways to make time for yourself in the day.

It might be that you need to say ‘no’ more often to the demands that come your way, be that from your children, their teachers, your clients, or to yourself if you tend to work harder than you should. By saying ‘no,’ you should be able to free up your schedule.

It might be that you can delegate some of your tasks too. So, you might ask your partner or extended family members to look after the kids for a while. And you might want to outsource some of your business tasks to others. By taking these steps, you will hopefully find a window in the day to care for your needs, whatever they may be.

Why Self Care Is Essential For Mompreneurs | Self Care Essential Mompreneurs pin#2: You Will Be More Productive

As both a mom and a businesswoman, you will understand the need to get things done. The more tasks that go unfinished, the more you will have to do the following day, and that is no good if you already have a busy daily schedule.

Finding ways to be more productive during the day is a must as there will be less need to do overtime and less need to face greater degrees of stress during the week.

One way to be more productive is to practice self-care. By taking time in the day for yourself, you will be less prone to tiredness and mental clutter. You will then have a greater capacity to work harder due to your renewed energy and focused mindset.

So, during the day, remember to take breaks. These are the moments when you can care for your various health needs.

You might want to get some fresh air, go for a walk, eat something healthy, and hydrate yourself, as examples. These things can do wonders for your productivity, so be kind to yourself and to your business, and get out from behind your desk once in a while each day.

#3: You Will Be A Better Mom

For all we know, you might be already be known as Super Mom! You might be the best mom in the neighborhood; the perfect role model for other moms to look up to. That’s great if so!

However, if you are regularly feeling tired because of your busy schedule, it might be that you slip up in your mom role occasionally. You might forget aspects of your children’s school itinerary. You might lose your temper easily. And you might struggle to find the energy to play games and do other fun things with your family.

But if you can find time for yourself, you will regain your lost energy. You will be less prone to forgetfulness and your mood will be calmer. You will have the ability to cope with all aspects of your mom role and your children will appreciate the less stressed-out mom that they come home to each day!

#4: You Will Be A Better Businesswoman

Equate everything we said above to your business. Not only will you excel as a parent if you have more energy but you will excel as a businesswoman too! You won’t forget to do something that is essential for the running of your business. You won’t lose your temper with an aggravating customer. And you will have more time to manage the various aspects of your business to-do list!

So, let this be another reason to take time out for self-care. Refresh and energize yourself by eating well, exercising more, and taking time out to rest when you need to. You will benefit your health if you do and you will benefit the health of your business too.

#5: You Can Define Yourself As More Than A Mom And Businesswoman

When people ask you to describe yourself, what do you tell them? Do you tell them that you’re a mom? A businesswoman? A mompreneur? These are all things you can talk about with pride but beyond these labels, what else could you say? When you’re always busy with home and work life, it might be difficult to reconnect with the inner you, that part of yourself that is more than the labels you or others impose on you.

Of course, it’s not easy to define the inner you. The question ‘who are you?’ is quite an abstract one, especially when trying to peel off the labels that define certain aspects of your life. However, you can gain some understanding by considering the things you enjoy in life; those things that aren’t all about your home and business.

Consider your hobbies and creative pursuits, for example, activities that may get buried away because of your general busyness. And consider the ways in which you would like to express yourself via fashion, perhaps in summer dresses that are far different from your mom and business attire. These are both ways to connect with the person you are beyond your usual labels.

So, as part of your self-care, return to your hobbies when you have time to do so. Wear the clothes that can showcase and bring out the inner you. And do anything else that expresses the person you are, above and beyond the labels that are used to define you.


These are just some of the reasons why self-care is essential for mompreneurs. So, if you’re currently stressed out at home or at work, and if you feel that you’re missing out on certain aspects of your life, perhaps today is the day to look after your needs outside of your mom and business roles. Think about what this means to you and then do what you can to carve out time in your busy schedule.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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