How to Make Being a Stay at Home Mom Work for You

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Ways Stay Home Moms Make Money

Following on from Victoria Greene’s Easy Start Up Business Ideas, here are some more clever ways Stay-Home-Moms Make Money. 

How to Make Being a Stay at Home Mom Work for You

Guest Post – Emma Anderson of Job Frog Resumes 

Clever Ways Stay Home Moms Make Money - Guest Post by Emma Anderson of Job Frog Resumes | waysstayhomemomsmakemoney | makemoneyathome | resumewriting |Although many mothers finally decide to go back to work after having a baby, there are just as many who take the opportunity to stay at home. Out of these, there may be some, who do not need to work, yet there are also the ones who have decided to work for themselves.

If you decide to be a stay at home mom who is working, there are a few things you should consider first. Much of this will depend on your financial situation, and how much your job from home has to contribute.

Your Income

Once you have decided to work from home, the first thing to consider is, how much your income has to help towards your families living expenses. This can be a determining factor on how much time you have to commit, and which sort of positions you can apply for.

Your Time

At home, your time will be divided into being a mother, and also a worker. Any position you apply for will have to fit in with your daily schedule, without interfering with the times you need to spend with your child.

What Positions are Available?

Many options are offered to stay at home moms, as a way of making a living, many of which might not be suitable to your situation. I will list a few and the possible downsides to them.


There are many survey sites, yet the number of surveys you receive can be minimal if you do not fit the criteria. Some do offer cash payments, yet many make payments in gift cards for individual retailers. Time needed 20 – 30 minutes per survey.

Home Tutors

Positions of this nature can cover kids who are looking to improve grades in school or international students who wish to learn English as a second language. If you have excellent communication and people skills, you can put these to good use. The downside is, international students are in a different time zone and working hours could be in the middle of the night. Furthermore, an online tutor would require the use of headphones. These are less than ideal if your child is in another room and needs your attention.


Many working mothers begin blogs to earn an income. This can be ideal, yet it takes much work, and you have to offer a way that makes you money. Many blogs earn from affiliate marketing. It can be quite a while before you see any return and you have initial setup costs to consider without a return being guaranteed.

Freelance Websites

There are now many freelance websites that offer people from all walks of life. If you have skills and the time to commit, you can find VA positions or freelance writing, although it can take a while to build up a decent amount of returning clients. There is also quite a fierce competition for each post.

Resume Writing

This as an occupation that can be one of the most rewarding, and it can quite easily give you more than enough time to spend with your child and family. Although there are many resume writing businesses around, many are always looking to outsource their workload.

This option can be one of the easiest to set up as your own business. Through the help of friends and family, there is sure to be people who are looking for jobs or want their resumes updated, or re-written.

By first speaking to these, you might find a resume and cover letter writing service is something you can offer, and if you check on the internet, the rewards are more than appealing.

Once you are in a position to start, you can advertise yourself through social media and LinkedIn, so your client base no longer has to be based on where you live. Setup costs for this sort of home business will be marginal, and worst case, you might need a good printer and some decent paper if you decide to offer a printed option or service.

Once you are set, you can offer various packages as this is how many of the professional companies promote their services. The basic package consists of just a resume with the second coming of a professionally written cover letter. The third and final package comes with a LinkedIn profile created on your client’s behalf.

You can see, with a little effort, and a bit of a marketing strategy, you can be of great assistance to many job seekers; even if you have to brush up on some old skills.

The best thing is, you can spend those precious moments with your loved one without having to pull your hair out running here and there.

About the Author:

How to Make Being a Stay at Home Mom Work for You | Emma Anderson Job Frog ResumesJob Frog ResumesEmma Anderson is the owner/writer at Job Frog ResumesWhen not running around after her highly energetic 2-year-old, feeding her hungry husband, balancing a non-existent social life and working from home, Emma likes to sleep…on occasion.


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Moms, have you tried making money from Resume writing, freelancing, blogging, home tutoring or surveys? Would love to hear which ways have worked best for you. We invite you to leave a comment below.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

2 Replies to “How to Make Being a Stay at Home Mom Work for You”

    • Lauren Kinghorn Post author

      Hi Sunaina, oh, that’s cool. Thanks for your comment. As a South African, I found I was not able to participate in most of the popular and most lucrative survey sites. However, I have made some nice money for very little time investment with website testing. I blogged about it here.


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