The Health Benefits Of Micro Greens

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If you don’t know what microgreens are, they are any herb or edible plant which is picked at around 14 days after germination. These microgreens are incredibly popular in many places and it is something which is great for healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.

Microgreens are so great because at the start of their life they have a lot of nutrients built up in the plant, which when the plant grows disperses. Picking plants young will preserve the nutrients and this helps us stay healthy.

There are plenty of ways to source microgreens such as or even at home, and these are the top reasons why you should.

What are you doing to keep healthy? Here are 5 health benefits of growing and eating your own micro greens. #thehealthbenefitsofmicrogreens1. High in Nutrients

As we mentioned above, microgreens are full of essential nutrients and they contain much more than their fully matted forms. The reason for this is because they take in all of the vitamins and minerals from the ground and condense them into a smaller package. Many microgreens are full of vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin C and these are all amazing for the body.

2. Polyphenols

Polyphenols are natural chemicals which are found in many foods and they have amazing antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemicals which fight particles known as free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are highly reactive and will reach with almost anything in the body, breaking down cells and damaging our body. By ingesting antioxidants we provide ourselves with a shield for these reactions and this can make all the difference to us and our health.

3. Better Heart Health

Heart disease is something which is still a huge problem in our world and unfortunately is still a leading cause of death for many. To prevent heart disease it is important for us to live a healthy and active lifestyle and this includes things such as exercise and eating the right foods.

Microgreens are full of nutrients and fibre which all help to keep our blood cholesterol low and help us to stay fit and healthy for longer. For example, if you enjoy a good steak now and again, you can also eat red cabbage microgreens and these can reduce the cholesterol effects of the meat by a huge sum.

4. Reduced Risk

Vegetables, in general, are some of the best things we can eat every day and it is important for us to add vegetables and fruit to our diet as much as we can.

However, microgreens add another layer to this and they can be even better for our health. By eating more of these we can maintain low-fat blood, healthy organs and a healthy digestive system which can make all the difference for our overall health.

5. It’s Easy 

Even if you are the kind of person who could kill a plastic plant, microgreens are super easy to grow and they take no time at all to grow. If you are looking for a simple project to keep you healthy throughout the year, growing microgreens is super simple and it will work out well for you.

Image Credit: Staticflickr

What are you doing to stay healthy? Are you growing your own microgreens?

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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