Make a Difference by Obtaining a Sustainable Energy Degree

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Sustainable Energy Degree

This post was Sponsored by Douglas Healy.   

Renewable energy is usually one of the first items on the discussion list when climate change is discussed. Maybe because it is one of the top strategies that can be implemented to slow down the influences of rising temperatures.

Sustainable energy resources like wind or solar do not release carbon dioxide into the air like greenhouse gases which is one of the predominant factors contributing to global warming. There is a lot more to clean energy than simply being green. The expanding sector offers benefits that include:

  • Making energy grids more resilient
  • Creating sustainable energy jobs
  • Assisting with lowering electricity bills
  • Expanding electricity access in developing countries

All these factors have supported the sustainable energy resurgence during the past few years, placing solar and wind at the forefront of electricity generation.

During the preceding 150 years, we have heavily dependant on oil, coal and other fossil fuels to power anything from cars to light bulbs and factories.

Subsequently, the greenhouse gases emitted from burning these fuels have escalated to alarming levels.

Greenhouse gases are responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere that would normally discharge into space. This is why temperatures on the surface keeps rising.

Global warming is a worrisome symptom of climate change which causes changes in the planet’s climate and weather systems.

Climate change not only comprises of rising temperatures, but it leads to severe weather occurrences like rising seas, changing wildlife habitats and populations and various other influences.

Make a Difference by obtaining a Sustainable Energy DegreeJobs in Sustainable Energy are Thriving

Jobs in renewable energy are flourishing nowadays.

It was estimated by clean energy America that more than 2.5 million individuals work in clean energy jobs in the USA.

Energy efficiency made up the majority of the jobs in this estimate whereas sustainable energy creation being the second-best employer.

Careers in solar energy are particularly well favoured when it comes to career choices in renewable energy, however, there are many other career possibilities in this sector.

Degrees Fit for Careers in Sustainable Energy


When you work in sustainable energy, a Bachelor of Science degree, particularly biochemistry, is a perfect option for students who wish to enter this field.

Biochemistry assists students by examining life on a chemical and molecular level, which is a good basis for preparing them for the sustainable energy industry and industrial research.


If you are looking into pursuing a career path in sustainable energy, one of the top degree choices would be a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. You might think about specializing in bioinformatics, biochemistry, forensic science or chemical engineering. This degree typically entails four years of studies to complete.

MBA in Sustainability

If your interest in the industry is more business-focused, then an MBA in sustainability can be highly useful. A degree in sustainable business can prepare you for a career in environmental fields and sustainable energy as well as offer you the tools to advise businesses to incorporate more environmentally friendly procedures.


There is a broad spectrum of available jobs in the sustainable energy industry. With more and more companies, individuals and businesses focusing on joining the green movement and start looking at renewable energy solutions, there is no shortage of career possibilities.

How can you see yourself making a difference in the fast-growing field of Sustainable Energy?

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About Lauren Kinghorn

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