Pampering on Purpose
I was at a playdate yesterday with a good friend and she was saying that she and her husband had decided that it’s time to take better care of themselves. She said, “it’s like in an aeroplane, just before take-off, where they tell you to put your own mask on before you tend to your children. We realised we’re focusing on our children’s needs first and we need to change that because we’re burning out.”
Do you feel guilty every time you take a moment to yourself? That HAS to stop. Your children need you happy and whole.
As Moms and particularly as Mom Entrepreneurs, we tend to get so busy dealing balancing work and family, we tend to forget about ourselves. And this eventually takes its toll on our health and wellbeing. We lose our vitality, our joy of life and before we know it, this kind of self-neglect begins to erode our self-esteem. Because as the resentment builds up we start shouting at our kids or bickering with our spouse, we’re just not ourselves.
Left unchecked, we’ll become bitter… and bitterly unhappy.
So let’s start changing that mindset. Let’s put ourselves first for a change. Not all the time, of course (we’re not expecting you to swing from selfless to selfish), just often enough for it to make it a difference. As you flourish you’ll see your family flourishing too.
Some great Self Care Tips from Gwen Lewis in her Guest Post below…
Pampering on Purpose – Why Treating Yourself is NOT Frivolous
The first line of defence when it comes to your overall well-being is you. As such, it is important to take time out to pamper yourself. Fortunately, there are various ways to treat yourself in a special way and they can range from simple, DIY approaches, to treating yourself like royalty with all the works. Forgo the guilt and consider some of the following reasons why you should pamper yourself on purpose.
Self-care is important
Self-care is important for a few good reasons. Today, many people have busy schedules and are inundated with things to do. Unfortunately, when this is the case, self-compassion can quickly be moved to the bottom of the list of things to do. Self-care has been proven to produce good feelings that can improve your health in various ways.
For instance, self-care can help you to relax, release stress and alleviate anxiety. What’s more is that pampering yourself releases “feel good” hormones that improve your overall cellular function, including boosting your immune system.
You’ve earned it
It is also important to pamper yourself because quite simply, you have earned it! You work very hard during the week, so why not treat yourself to some “me time”. Pampering yourself does not have to be centred around splurging and spending your hard-earned money on frivolous things. Quite the contrary, pampering yourself can include simple things that you like to do but rarely make time for. There are various ways you can simplify your life and treat yourself and in a guilt-free manner.
Such activities include:
#1 A spa treatment
Why not book an appointment at the local spa, pampering yourself to such delights as a relaxing massage, facial or other beauty treatments. A trip to the spa will help you relax, unwind and remember that you regularly deserve such treatments. If a spa trip is not in your budget, try a DIY treatment such as an edible face mask or an at-home pedicure. Such treatments are just as effective and will help you to relax in an instant.
#2 Purchase new jewelry
Another great way to treat yourself kindly is to purchase new jewelry. From costume jewelry to custom pieces made of vibrant gemstones, there are various options available for you to choose from. A stunning pair of earrings can help to bring out your features, as could a bold statement necklace to accentuate your outfit. Jewelry is a lovely gift to yourself that can last for many years to come.
#3 Do what you love
You can also pamper yourself by doing more of what you love. Start by making a list of the things that make you happy and then do each of those things regularly. This could include listening to relaxing meditation music, pursuing a hobby, exercising or traveling. Doing such things will put a smile on your face and will serve as a pleasant reminder that you are amazing and deserve this special treatment.
Pampering yourself is a healthy habit that you should not ignore. When you’ve had a stressful day and you want to unwind, consider pampering yourself—looking at self-care as a necessity, instead of a frivolous thing to do.

About the Author
Gwen Lewis is a writer who lives in California. She has been in the fashion and health industry for years and loves writing on the topic to give tips from experience. In her free time, she loves to stay active and has just taken on learning how to surf.
You can find more of Gwen’s posts on Medium
Where are you on the Self Care Scale? Are you close to burnout? Is resentment building up inside you as you continually put your own needs aside to care for others? Or do you have this one sussed?
If you’re a Mom who’s found that perfect balance, share your Self Care Tips below…
I am definitely the latter – close to burning out – but every time when that stage is approaching, I would start to give myself some break.
Just recently, I took 3 weeks off from work to spend time with the family and also some me-time. It was fantastic to be away from all the corporate noises and I actually get to focus on building my online business which I’ve been working on for a while now.
If anything, the experience reinforces my desire to be my own boss someday so that I get to have more control over my time and financial situation.
Aah, wonderful Cathy! So important to take time out like that. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing such an important fact! I learned this lesson the hard way, unfortunately. I homeschooled my 3 children, and taught Jr. High Sunday school at our church. I was completely burnt out after 5 years. Since then I have learned the value of pampering myself. I can lock myself in the bathroom for an hour to pamper my body with no guilt. I picked up a couple of hobbies that I hadn’t done in 20 years. Sometimes I go for a drive by myself and listen to MY favorite music on blast. Ha! Lol!
We must take care of ourselves if we are to have enough energy to take care of our loved ones. So thanks for the reminder, and the Get Out of Guilt free card. 🙂
Aah, Thanks so much for sharing your awesome story. What a turn-around. I’m so happy to hear you found your way back from burnout and you’re pampering yourself and enjoying your hobbies again. Fab!
I have a huge amount of respect for parents raising children while working. Personally, I’m not sure how you do it. This post is an excellent reminder that the people who depend on you will not be able to depend on you anymore if you burn out. The airplane safety lecture is a great example that I’ve used myself in the past. As counter intuitive as it seems, sometimes you have to put yourself first in order to put other people first. Something I always wonder about though is where to draw the line. Where does “pampering on purpose” end and actual selfishness begin?
Hi Shanna, I hear you. It’s a tricky one. As Moms, we’re always trying to balance our selfless nature and our selfish wishes. I guess the balance in between those two is self-loving?