Overcoming Common Lead Generation Hurdles: Advice for Mompreneurs

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Lead generation for mompreneurs is tough, and many of them face the same common obstacles. If left unaddressed, it can hinder results in big time. Let’s tackle these obstacles head-on, find out why many mompreneurs struggle, and how to overcome them to achieve lead generation success. Lead generation is a must for mompreneurs starting new businesses. Finding customers who fit exactly into your target market and are interested in buying your product or services through the marketing channels is what mom-owned businesses do every day.

Let’s get into it!

Overcoming Common Lead Generation Hurdles

lead generationGetting the Desired Leads

Mompreneurs struggle to keep up with their target market’s ever-changing needs and wants. This is because trends and news constantly change what customers want, making it hard to create an outbound lead generation strategy that works.

Some mom-owned businesses try using lead-generation methods that have worked for others. While these methods may bring in more leads overall, they may not bring in the right kind of customers. If the leads aren’t interested in what your business offers, they won’t be helpful.

To overcome this, you need to know your ideal customer. What makes them a good fit for your business? Is it their actions or specific challenges they face? Knowing this will help you understand how they buy and what they do so you can create a lead-generation strategy that caters to their needs.

Moreover, considering lead generation services to grow your business is also a good option. A professional service provider uses AI to analyze your current lead-grabbing strategies. Then, it provides a thorough report that can be helpful in improving your strategies. Some providers even promise guaranteed ROI and predictable revenue, adding an extra layer of confidence to your investment.

Warm leads

It is not always possible to convert leads in the first time. That’s why many marketers focus on collecting data not only from those actively inquiring about their product but also from those who have shown interest but haven’t yet expressed a strong need. Then, they nurture those contacts until they are ready to convert. However, knowing the engagement levels of warm leads and when to send appropriate content and communications is a task for many businesses. If this is a challenge for your team, try using a lead-scoring model with various tools. Scoring leads as they engage with your brand makes it easy to manage contacts and signals when they’re ready for your sales team to reach out.

Overcoming Common Lead Generation Hurdles: Advice for Mompreneurs | lead scoring

Measuring lead generation

80% of business-to-business marketers say they are data-driven, but one-third struggle to measure success in lead generation. These struggles include choosing what to measure and how to measure it. Linking lead generation to ROI is hard, and without a multi-value approach, it will always be. But generally, measuring leads doesn’t have to be this hard.

Go through every sales channel and figure out what to measure to make improvements and understand problems. If the measurement doesn’t give your team something to act on to increase success, then don’t measure it. Remember to look at your entire sales pipeline. Measure the lead quality which are generated based on the success of their sales. Gather this data to get a holistic view of your success from initial marketing to final sales.

Lead Response Time Mastery

Many marketing teams struggle to respond to leads quickly and miss out on the benefits of instant engagement. Studies show that contacting a lead within five minutes means they’re more likely to move through the sales funnel. However, only a small percentage of teams contact leads within the first hour.

Overcoming Common Lead Generation Hurdles: Advice for Mompreneurs | lead nurturing

Set specific key performance indicators (KPIs) to improve lead response time. Aim for a 10-minute window from lead acquisition to first contact. That might mean qualifying and cleaning lead data faster or finding new ways to collect lead info. Prioritize that 10-minute goal, and you’ll see where the obstacles are in your lead response process.

Creating Relevant Content

Content is a challenge for strategies involving lead generation everywhere. Effective content nurtures your leads to bigger and better sales, but creating engaging and relevant content is hard. This is a consistent challenge as current news and buyer’s needs are always changing. However, gaining insight about your audience and the current content topics and formats they are downloading is a good starting point.

With a detailed client journey on the website, you can see what content is converting your target audience. You will know their pain points and what news excites them. This not only helps your lead generation efforts, but it also helps you create content your audience will love.

Concluding Thoughts

Mompreneurs face these lead generation challenges but can overcome them. Know your ideal customer and tailor your approach. Nurture warm leads and measure with HubSpot. Respond to leads fast and know your audience’s content preferences. With persistence, mompreneurs can achieve their marketing goals.

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