Secrets to Making Content Go Viral

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Secrets to Making Content Go Viral

If you are a Mompreneur and are creating content, whether that be on a blog or on social media, then having it ‘go viral’ can be something that dreams are made of. Having content that is shared over and over helps to drive traffic, followers, and create more of a buzz around you and your business. So if you ever do manage to get a post that goes viral, it can be a really good thing for your business.

Having said that, there are some things that you can do, to aim to get some really viral and shareable content. Make sure things are still relevant to your business, but follow these next few tips to help you to create some viral-worthy content. Oh, and getting a good web host can or VPS can be a big help when you’re sharing content. You don’t want your site to crash at a crucial moment.

Looking to create content that gets shared and reshared by everybody and their Aunty? Here are 3 Secrets to Make Your Content Go Viral. #MakingContentGoViralCuriosity

Getting the mix of click-bait and a reader’s curiosity is really crucial for a viral post.

For instance, there is a blog post called ‘Marriage isn’t for you’ that has been shared thousands and thousands of time online. And the reason why it has been so successful is that it does create some curiosity, especially if you are left thinking ‘but marriage is for everyone.’

The reason why this kind of title isn’t clickbaity is because it does go on to actually break down the theory, rather than hook you in and then not address the topic. So sparking some reader curiosity and then exploring it well can get you some viral content, whatever the topic.


In a world where content is all over the place and there are influencers everywhere you look on social media, you need to stay relevant. And one way to get some viral content is to stay relevant and have relevant content.

There are things you can share an opinion or a thought on that go alongside particular themes or days, such as World Mental Health Day. Just make sure you are adding something valid and worthwhile and it can go a long way to getting seen and shared.

Quick and Helpful

If you want to tap into a particular niche, then creating content for that niche can be the way to go, of course. But it needs to be something that is actually a potential issue, as well as it being quite quick. People don’t want to spend hours and hours breaking down how to get their posts seen on Facebook more.

They want to click through to see a quick breakdown of helpful tools and advice. It helps if you have something that has been proven to work and a little ‘outside of the box’ rather than the traditional content and generic tips.

Creating a viral post can be hit and miss. But if you are offering something to the reader that is helpful to them or an offer that they can’t refuse, then it is going to get you well on your way to some viral content.

Image Credit – Pexels

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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