How To Keep Your Employees Happy

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The happier your employees are, the more successful your business will be. If they feel appreciated and fulfilled they are more motivated to be productive.

Keep an eye on your employees and make sure you make any relevant changes you need to in order to fix morale. It’s your responsibility.  There are tell-tale signs there is a problem with employee satisfaction and these can include, lack of cooperation, poor performance, and even attitude problems so it’s vital that you address any issues that you can immediately.

Thankfully there are some simple ways you can prevent this from occurring, which will put your staff at ease and make them more comfortable at work.

The happier your employees are, the more successful your business will be. If they feel appreciated they are more motivated to be productive. Here are simple ways to show your staff you care. #howtokeepyouremployeeshappy #employeesatisfaction #employeeincentives #employeemotivation Communication

Sometimes all you need to do is ask. Make the effort to have regular feedback sessions with everyone who works for you. Ask them their opinions and try to get them to share any awkward problems or difficulties.

If you think this could be uncomfortable for them, you could try anonymous ideas like a suggestion box.

Be sure to be approachable at all times and try to be as hands-on as you can, even if your employees are remote. You can reach out to them through video memos and emails for example, so they still see your face.


Speaking of video and communication ideas it’s essential to keep your company’s technology up to date. This will make everybody’s job easier and more efficient, thus an easy way to cheer up your staff.

Technical issues at work can be very stressful and annoying. Look into updating to cloud software and apps. Think about all platforms online, video, web and other media, not only office software.

Go with state of the art programmes for example Regularly updating the software you use will not only increase employee happiness but also their productivity.

Be sure to hold tutorial sessions to ensure they are comfortable with the changes.


Offer constant praise to your employees for achievements of any level and even everyday successes. Morale often decreases because your staff don’t feel appreciated.

Set up a reward system and prizes for good performance.

Future Prospects

It’s important for your staff to feel like they are going somewhere with this job and your company. Advertise and give priority to internal applicants.

Prove to them that you acknowledge all their hard work and that if they keep it up they will benefit in the future.

Talk to your employees about their plans for the future and show an interest.  Show that you have taken this into account by giving them projects relating to their personal dreams or goals.


Plan team-building projects such as escape rooms, parties and games nights.

Shake things up a bit from time to time if you feel things are getting a bit boring. For more creative meetings tips see this post on fun meetings.

Simply smiling at your employees will go a long way, and remember that your positive attitude will be contagious.

Image Credit:  pexels

Do you have any tips to share on how you keep your employees happy? 

My first boss was amazing at this.  When we’d been working particularly long hours on an advertising campaign, we’d come in from lunch on a Friday afternoon to find a personal hand-written Thank You note from her on our desk with a box of chocolates.  It really made us feel appreciated. 

 So when I became Head of Network Marketing, I made sure to do this kind of thing for my team.  I sent them on weekends away, for spa treatments and regularly gave them days off during the week to compensate for overtime worked on the weekends.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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