3 Tips on How To Help Your Kids Study As A Busy Mompreneur

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In today’s post, we are sharing 3 tips on how to help your kids study as a busy mompreneur. Being a mompreneur can be very demanding. So it comes as no surprise that many working mothers consider the back-to-school period a massive relief, as it helps them shed some of their responsibilities. However, working moms struggle most when their children start schooling, from struggling to keep up with a complex school schedule to help the little ones with their studies. Making time to help your kids study is challenging if you have to juggle that responsibility with running your business. Here are our top tips on how to help your kids study while running a business.

How To Help Your Kids Study as A Busy Mompreneur

help-your-kids-study1. Get All The Assistance You Can

Depending on how busy you are, it’s almost impossible to be available every time to help your child study or do their homework. That’s why you need to get all the assistance you need. The first thing that might come to mind when you think about assistance is a home tutor.

And why not? Having the services of a home tutor will free you to attend to your business; only make sure to check now and then to see how your child is faring. Showing interest in their studies even with a home tuition service is very important.

Suppose that’s not an option for you. In that case, you can rely on digital study materials like the Adventure Academy from the creators of ABCmouse to assist your child with various subjects like science, maths, reading, and more.

Such digital learning products have been designed to create a more fun and engaging experience for children.

2. Encourage Your Child To Develop a Positive Mindset About Home Studies

Most kids will rather spend their time at home having fun than doing their homework or even studying. This is understandable, as they’ve spent a large part of their day learning at school. But you can still help your child develop a positive attitude to home studies, instead of seeing it as another difficult and boring chore. This way, you can help them create a habit of studying independently while you attend to your work.

Start by devising a schedule and teaching your little one to stick to it. This way, when they get home from school, they have a well-defined after-school routine. Provide a study area, make all the resources they need available, and do your best to check in daily with your child. Also, you can consider dedicating a specific time to helping your child study. That means scheduling your work to create free time that coincides with your child’s study time.

3. Let them study in your workspace

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You can also consider sharing your workspace with your child when they have to study or do their homework. This way, you can keep one eye on them and the other on your work without needing to get up from behind your work. When it comes to sharing your workspace, the fewer distractions, the better. Or, better still, no distractions at all.


When you are a working mom having to tend to work, household chores, and raising kids it is not always easy to find the time to help your kids study. Be sure to follow these tips to make life a little easier on you.



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