How To Build A Career When You Have Small Children

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Women were once expected to stay at home with the children while the men went to work. Thankfully, those days are long gone, and it is no longer frowned upon for women to pursue ambitions other than motherhood.

However, while it is wonderful that we may now pursue a job, it might be challenging to do so with small children.

Fortunately, you don’t have to put your aspirations on hold because we’ve got some advice on how to build a career when you have small children.

How To Build A Career When You Have Small Children

How To Build A Career When You Have Small ChildrenWork from home

Working from home is an excellent approach to balance motherhood and a career! More and more people are choosing to work from home these days in order to devote their time to other responsibilities in their lives.

One of the most significant advantages is that you can work whenever you want, and you don’t really have to get dressed.

While there are numerous companies that allow us to work from home, why not start your own business and grow your enterprise from the comfort of home?

You may have the ideal career in mind, but taking time away from your children to school can be a nightmare! However, you can now achieve a college education online rather than attending a college or university to take classes. This means that after the kids are in bed or you have a spare hour or two, you can study from home without having to worry about daycare!

Open a shop

There are plenty of necessities in life that people will always need such as food and clothing. Opening a shop, whether it be a small corner shop, a children’s clothing store or even a cafe where other mums can come in and relax will allow you to balance both motherhood and a career.

The beauty of owning it yourself means you can create a play area for your children rather than have to worry about childcare.

Not sure how to start it yourself? Look online for shops for sale that you could buy and turn into your own little empire.

Work in the childcare industry

Working in the childcare industry is an excellent opportunity to care for your children while still pursuing a career. Working at a school so you can spend the school vacations with them, or working in a nursery where your children can attend, is a terrific way to earn a living, have a career, and see your children develop.

Let others help you achieve your goals

Finally, if you have small children, you will find that there are many family members and friends who are glad to help you. We all know how expensive childcare can be, so take advantage of their generosity so you can focus on your work! Perhaps you might compensate them in the form of money, time, or even gifts? Take the chance if you have people who are willing and able to help you so that you can have a career as well!


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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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