How to Be More Productive at Work

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How to Be More Productive at Work

No one is more in tune with the old adage “time is money” than Mom Entrepreneurs.  We Moms are efficiency machines because we know every minute counts.  Because before and after we are done with work-work there are a lot more tasks to tick off our to-do list for the day. This is exactly why we’re always interested in how we can be more productive at work.

In this post, we will look at a few lesser-known productivity tips.   Let us know in the comments section below how many of these you’re already applying to your working day.

Mom Entrepreneurs are always interested in learning how to be more productive at work. How many of these lesser-known productivity tips are you already applying to your daily life at work? #howto #bemoreproductive #productivitytips #productivityhacks

1. Track Time Spent on Tasks

How long does it take to complete a given task? Tracking time spent on each task will provide you with a better idea of how long you should take on specific tasks, thus better time management.

Time tracking tools like make it easier to track and evaluate time spent on various tasks, including word processing, Email, social media, and apps. You can also use reports generated by these tools to review and better manage your time.

2. Take A Break Between Tasks

Breaks are essential, especially when aiming for improved productivity. While it might sound counterintuitive, the short breaks give the mind and body time to relax and recharge, thus essential when working on a particularly long assignment.

Working for several hours nonstop will only cause your performance to decline as time goes by. Regular breaks are the best remedy for this.

3. Have Self-Imposed Deadlines

Although your boss or supervisor might have imposed deadlines on various tasks, self-imposing deadlines can help you meet your goals relatively quickly.

This is particularly important for open-ended projects that might not have a deadline at all. Self-imposed deadlines will force the mind and body into overdrive, enabling you to achieve so much for a fraction of the time.

4. Abide by The Two-Minute-Rule

According to Steve Olenski, an entrepreneur, the two-minute rule mainly applies to tasks that will take less than 2 minutes of your time to complete. In other words, do not wait until you’ve completed the 3-hour assignment to handle the 1-minute task.

Some of these tasks can pile up, resulting in a backlog that could take hours to complete. Managing these tasks as they come can, however, reduce/eliminate the backlog completely.

5. Avoid Meetings

Meetings take lots of time and energy. They might also be the reason you do not have time to focus on more critical tasks.

You might thus want to limit the amount of time spent booking and attending these meetings physically. Only choose to attend conferences that promise productivity physically. Check to see if all the other sessions are essential, and consider virtual meetings to eliminate time wastage.  A simple phone call, Email, or chat might be better than going there yourself.

6. Consider Standing Meetings

Standing meetings will, without a doubt, take less time than if everyone were seated. One of the benefits of a standing meeting is that everyone will be attentive, thus improved group performance and reduced territoriality. Only consider seated arrangements for the more important and unavoidable ones.

7. Avoid Multitasking

How good are you at handling two tasks at the same time? As practical as it might seem, multitasking only results in reduced productivity and time wastage in the long run. Dividing your attention between tasks means you will take twice or even thrice the time you’d take to complete the same tasks.

Still not convinced, track your time while multitasking and when handing one job at a go. You will be significantly faster handling one job at a time than when multitasking.

Which productivity strategies work best for you?  Feel free to leave us a comment

Related: Top Ways to Increase Productivity in Your Office

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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