Easy Ways to Make a YouTube Video

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Easy Ways to Make a YouTube Video

It seems these days as if every man and his dog has a YouTube channel of some sort. Whether it be to improve your own personal brand and work for yourself, or to help promote your business, a YouTube channel can be a useful thing and will be a good asset to have.

If you are looking to create YouTube videos for yourself this year, we have some helpful tips for you to help you get started.

YouTube videos can be stressful and a little daunting to make, but these easy ways will help you to get on the platform and start creating the things you love.

Easy Ways to Make a YouTube Video

Stay off-screen 

It is a common misconception that you have to be on screen the whole time you are online in order to gain followers. This is not at all the case. There are countless faceless YouTubers such as Corpse Husband who have gained a massive following without stepping on screen at all. If you are concerned about being in front of a camera don’t be. You can share cooking videos, art videos, and even gaming streams without getting on camera.

Create a scene

One way to help you make a professional-looking YouTube video is to ensure that you create a background for yourself on screen.

A lot of first-time YouTubers will be easy to spot because of their random backgrounds to videos, and this is something you can easily fix with a screen or blanket.

Make a background that looks aesthetically pleasing and this will help set the tone and make you feel more at home in front of the camera.

Use iMovie 

One easy way for you to make YouTube videos without spending money on expensive editing software is to record on your phone or camera and use iMovie to edit everything together.

iMovie is a simple tool on apple devices that will allow you to add clips together, split and cut them down, and add transitions as well as sounds and text.

You can search how to add music to iMovie or how to add different transitions and play around with your content to make it more exciting and engaging.

Editing is key to making videos and this is often the most time-consuming part of the process. But by using a tool like iMovie you will save time and you won’t have to learn how to use complex software.

YouTube videos can be stressful and a little daunting to make, but these easy ways will help you to get on the platform and start creating content you love.

Try voiceover work

If you want to be away from the camera and simply share a skill or talent, voiceover work is important and this is how you will start to gain a following. Many artists and cooks, for example, will use videos that have cameras overhead with a voiceover explaining what is going on.

By investing in a good microphone you will ensure that the voiceover of your piece is professional sounding and as a result, you will gain more followers. Consider editing the visual aspect of your piece together and watching it back to write a script. This is what many professionals do and it will save you spending time saying …erm, er, and, like…etc.

Use a tripod

A tripod will soon become your best friend as a YouTube creator because it will keep your camera steady as you work. We all know that it is easy for us to use household items to hold a camera up, but if you want to ensure your camera stays put no matter where you are a tripod is an important investment. Plus, a tripod doesn’t cost too much to buy.

Get a vlogging camera

Vlogging is the most popular form of video on YouTube and it is one that is great for those starting out on the platform. Sharing your everyday life as a sort of a log is a great way to gain a personal connection with your followers from the get-go without the pressure of heavy editing and production value.

If you do want to try vlogging for yourself it is important to buy a camera fit for that purpose. Instead of lugging around a huge DSLR camera that hurts your wrist, buy a slim vlogging camera that will fit in your pocket and allow you to make content wherever you go.

Enjoy yourself 

The most important thing to ensure as a YouTube creator is that you enjoy yourself when making videos. Don’t force yourself to make videos you don’t enjoy because there is simply no point. Instead, have fun, make content you love, and gain a following who loves your content.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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