Fun Ideas For Your Next Business Event

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Business events are a great way of networking with existing and potential customers and converting these relationships into sales. It also gives you the chance to celebrate with likeminded people and enjoy what you’ve built so far in your business.

While it may be difficult to host an event right now due to coronavirus restrictions, there’s nothing wrong with planning ideas for your next business event, whenever that may be.  Take a look at these fun ideas for your next business event.

Host a Competition

Fun Ideas For Your Next Business EventEveryone loves the chance of winning something for free, so hosting a competition at your event will help draw people in and vamp up the excitement.

You could judge the best-dressed person, or ask people to wear themed clothing and judge the most creative item. Or, you could host a quiz during the event and the winner takes home all of the prizes.

There are many different ways you could host a competition, all of which will help bring in more people than you can network with, therefore giving you the chance to convert their interest into sales.

When advertising your event, remember to mention special events like your competition.

Take Photos

Taking photos is a great way of remembering your event, and if you plan on hosting future events, you can use these photos to show how much fun you all had.  Not only that, it gives your guests a chance to have a photo taken to take home with them.

A great way of doing this is by setting up a photo booth for people to use and providing props to make their pictures fun and interesting.

If you do decide to provide props for people to use, slip in some that showcase your brand and products so that when your guests post their pictures online, it will help increase the reach of your business.

Hire a Comedy Performer

Corporate events can quickly become boring, especially if you’re planning on hosting a seminar to help teach people more about your products.

While seminars don’t have to be all boring and no fun, a great way of keeping spirits high and making the most of your event is by hiring a comedy performer.

Not only will people walk away feeling amused and informed, but hiring a performer can help break up your event and make it more memorable.

If a comedy performance wouldn’t fit your target audience, you could always opt for other performances such as magic or music to help break up the night and make your business event to remember.

Display Your Products

People attending your business events are likely to know what you’ve got to offer, but there’s no harm in displaying your products for people to admire too.

Displaying your products for people to see and feel the quality of their design will help lead to future sales.

Another great way of pushing sales is by providing money off vouchers in front of each product – even if it’s only by a small amount. Your guests will appreciate this and are more likely to use them when picked up in person.

Business Card Swapping Station

At business events, you don’t necessarily need to only invite potential and existing customers. You may choose to invite businesses that could turn into partnerships, and you may even choose to invite members of the press to help spread the word about your business.

As mentioned earlier, business events are a great place to network and make lasting relationships that could benefit your business in the future.

Setting up a station allowing people to swap business cards and talk will help separate the fun from the business side of things, making your business event more than just a corporate event.

Fun Ideas For Your Next Business Event | 61RtXgvMn1J7RMoikeaocW7hGIwD0nd3c7MPN SD2Iuxs3NN8xPueT

Image Credit: Pexels

Provide Food and Drinks

Corporate events can be long and difficult, especially if there’s nothing to keep you refreshed and ready to mingle with others. Providing food and drinks will not only help keep everyone engaged but also encourage people to visit your future events too! Here are some ideas on refreshments you could offer:

  • If your event requires people to sit and listen, you could provide a set-menu meal accompanied by a few drinks at the bar.
  • A buffet would be a great idea if your event entails lots of moving around and meeting new people.
  • Hiring a food van allowing people to buy food and drinks is another great way of ensuring everyone’s needs are attended to.

Dress up!

Another fantastic way of generating excitement around your event is by introducing a dress code! People love getting dressed to the nines and attending events to show off their attire.

Not only that, people dressed in all the same kind of attire means nobody gets left behind, and people are more confident in themselves networking with those around them.

Asking your guests to dress up also gives you the chance to hire a musician or DJ so that people can dance, therefore giving your business event another memorable factor.

Live Product Demonstrations

Business events are made to show off who you are as a business, as well as networking with others to build meaningful relationships that could benefit your business in the future.

People attending your business event will have some element of interest in your industry already, and providing live product demonstrations can help seal the deal.

For example, if you sell smart home technology, demonstrating the ease of use and how nice your products look together as a bundle will help people imagine your products in their homes.

Plus, those who already have purchased from you can learn more about their products and potentially learn easier ways to navigate around them. Again, offering a discount voucher will also encourage your guests to make a purchase with you in the future.

Live product demonstrations can also be effective when you’re looking to partner up with other businesses, as they will be able to see first hand how a collaboration with you would work.

Fun Ideas For Your Next Business Event | gz47AkBigbShr4azAtlieMArASKt G4oKSfls otpkncoSs12XD6cJ92KM1ftL

Image Credit: Pexels

Host a Virtual Event

The world is a weird place right now, and face to face events aren’t something that could happen in the near future. However, there’s nothing stopping you from hosting your event completely online! For the most part, all of the above ideas could still happen – just over the internet rather than face to face! You can use platforms such as Zoom to host your event, and you could even video your conference call to send to your people that couldn’t attend to enjoy too.

Do Something Unusual with your Guests

Finally, business events don’t have to be boring, and to keep things interesting for everyone involved, why not consider doing something unusual with your guests?

Rather than hiring a particular venue and setting up booths, why not take your guests somewhere where you can all have fun and network without even realising it?

For example, taking your guests for a Crystal Maze experience will provide hours of fun and allow you to get to know your guests. Without even realising it, you’ll be swapping business cards and phone numbers in no time.

While restrictions may still be at large, use these wonderful ideas to make your next business event one to remember! Remember to shout about your event in advance to allow people to sign up to come along or purchase a ticket so that you can make the most of your next business event.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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