How Can Moms Be More Empowered in Business?

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Mom Entrepreneurs face a daily battle no-one else sees, between housework, childminding and work-work. So, how can Moms be more empowered in business?How Can Moms Be More Empowered in Business?

Women empowerment has been a hot topic for decades with Moms quietly leading the “struggle” as they build businesses of their own, from home.

The struggle is mostly internal, a daily battle no-one else sees, between housework, childminding and work-work.

And the success or failure of a business for a Mom Entrepreneur often boils down to which of these gets more of Mom’s time, focus and attention.

Being a mom and being an entrepreneur is no easy feat. Juggling the responsibilities of running a business while also taking care of the home and family can often leave mothers feeling overwhelmed and undervalued.

How Moms Can Be More Empowered in Business

It’s important to remember that as a Mompreneur, you have unique skills that can take you far in your life and business.

Read on to find out how to utilise those skills well and become empowered in your business so you can unleash your full potential.

Hire A Business Advisor 

Running a business definitely requires expertise in some areas, and sometimes it can be beneficial to get guidance and advice from professionals. Hiring business advisors can turn things around for you and give you the knowledge and confidence you need to feel empowered to run your business how you want to.

Having an experienced business advisor on hand to help you can bring you fresh ideas and new perspectives on what you are doing and how you are doing it. They’ll help you spot opportunities for growth or assist in important decision-making, for example. When you can do this, you’ll have all the power you need to move forward.

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Keep Learning

Something else that will empower a Mompreneur who wants to grow their business into a successful enterprise is continuous learning.

The more new knowledge and skills you can gain, the more you’ll be able to do and the more confidence you’ll have when you do it.

Sign up to online courses and webinars, go to industry conferences, or join communities where you can network and learn from other successful entrepreneurs. You can learn in a formal way and get qualifications or a more casual one – you’ll need to decide what is best for you.

Continuous learning is a skill that all good business owners will be aware of and use as much as possible. When you start employing people, you can ensure they keep learning too, which will help to grow your business even more and keep your team happy at the same time.

Build A Support Network

One of the most empowering things a Mompreneur can take is to surround herself with like-minded individuals who understand the challenges of balancing a business with family responsibilities.

Look for local or online groups that are specifically created for this kind of networking to take place.

When you join these networks, you’ll find a safe place where you can listen to advice, share your own experiences, and get plenty of support from people who know exactly what you are going through because they are all on a similar journey.

Moms Empowered in Business


If you want to feel empowered in your business, you need to take care of yourself and focus on the self-care that can so easily be forgotten when you are running a business and taking care of a family.

Make time for activities that recharge you, whether it’s meditation, exercise, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in various hobbies.

When you do this and put yourself first, you’ll have the energy you need to tackle running a business, and you’ll be more present when it comes to your family – plus, your own general health will be better overall.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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