5 Surprising Things To Boost Your Momterprise

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Blog Entrepreneur Tips

Ooh, I love these ideas!  Was so excited to receive this fabulous contributed post, especially as I drink loads of coffee (#1), am seriously considering hiring a VA at the moment (#2), have just started building my YouTube Channel (#3), we’re about to renovate our house (#4) and oh, yes… there’s definitely a book or two in the mix (#5). 

5 Surprising Things To Boost Your Momterprise

Moms have it hard: They need to be 100% attentive from dawn to dusk and throughout the night too. But the natural maternal instinct that lives in each mother helps you to stay focused and give your best.

The only problem with instincts is that there’s none for entrepreneurs, nothing that keeps you fighting for results every day. But just as you know the secrets to putting your child peacefully to bed, there are little secrets that momtrepreneurs have to know to boost their business.

Looking for ideas to boost your small business? Here are some Mompreneur secrets that may surprise you. #BlogEntrepreneurTips #entrepreneurship#1. Stay alert!

Coffee is your perfect ally to wake up after a short night with a demanding child and stay alert throughout the day.

The first benefit of a hot brew in the morning is that it is a stimulant that helps you to jumpstart the day. But it also helps you to think and learn faster. So if you’re struggling with a tricky challenge, having a cup of freshly brewed coffee can make all the difference.

#2. Get a global approach

Have you considered reaching new markets or maybe outsourcing some of your activities? Depending on your activities, you might want to start recruiting assistants who are local to the markets you want to target.

Say, you’d love to approach the Brazilian market, why not look for someone to be your VA directly in Brazil? They can help you to promote your services and to adjust to the cultural differences.

Additionally, you can help them to enhance their language skills in English: EffortlessEnglishClub.com suggests a lot of great tips to improve language levels. So, in the end, it’s a win-win situation for both of you!

#3. Show your face

If you have never considered filming yourself, it’s time to change your mind. EngageLive.co gives no less than 4 very good reasons why you should start vlogging as a business owner.

Video is an attention-grabbing tool, as 65% of people remember the information from a video for up to 3 days. You will also belong to an ever-growing vlogging community that is set on driving action. Finally, a video can drive engagement for years.

#4. Get a productive makeover

Is your workspace arranged for productivity? That’s the question that ElleDecor.com answers with a selection of tips to make the most of your office.

Color, furniture choice and lighting are critical factors to boosting your performance.

For instance, blue palettes are ideal for knowledge-based work, while green can encourage creative thinking. Don’t forget natural light to lift up your mood and maybe a fish tank for a touch of creativity.

#5. Write a book

No, we’re not talking about writing a love story that will reduce your readers to tears. But as a business owner, you can write a book to share your expertise.

A book will give you instant credibility to approach new customers, or even to introduce yourself at networking events. It also provides your business with free additional exposure, as newspapers, TV shows and other industry publications review your book and proceed to interview you.

You work better with coffee – Image Credit

Write a book – Image Credit

What surprising ideas are you trying out to boost your business Mom Entrepreneurs?  Any or all of these? Ideas not mentioned here? Spill…

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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