Everything You Need To Know About Dermal Fillers

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Dermal fillers have been an option to help enhance a person’s natural beauty for quite a while now. They are injections that put a special substance into your face to help fill wrinkles and little lines but can also be injected into specific areas such as your lips to give them a fuller look.

But what does the procedure entail? Is it safe and are there any side effects you should know about? Read our article below to find out everything you need to know about dermal fillers.

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Dermal Fillers

What Should I Be Thinking About If I’m Thinking About Getting Fillers?


First and foremost you need to know your motivation for wanting dermal fillers in Kent – having cosmetic surgery is easily done but needs to have lots of thought behind it and you should not be making rushed decisions about what you want.

Dermal fillers is an excellent option for those looking to enhance their natural beauty. Here is everything you need to know about the procedure.If you were to leave upset or disappointed in the results the procedure could be having the reverse effect of what you were wanting. Having a cosmetic procedure will not fix your problems in life and it certainly won’t magic away negative feelings when it comes to self-image. So make sure you are  doing it for the right reasons.

 What Happens When You Go For Fillers?

Well, every practitioner will of course work slightly differently but for the most part, it is likely you will be administered an anesthetic cream to numb the area of the skin you’re having the treatment on. This may or may not then be massaged into the skin.

When having the injections it will likely be uncomfortable but shouldn’t be super painful, but again it could well be. The treatment itself should take between 10 to 20 minutes just depending on the individual.

Is there much aftercare involved?

Again as with all cosmetic procedures – every person is different but in general, after the procedure, the area will be a little tender, red, and maybe swollen but this should reduce within a few days. Your practitioner will advise you more clearly on what to do in terms of aftercare but in general, it’s recommended that you don’t touch the area, don’t take part in strenuous exercise, and don’t wear any makeup for a few days. It is also worth avoiding saunas, sunbeds, and steam rooms.

Your treatment should last between six to 12 months when having lip fillers done it is usually closer to six months. You can go back to your practice for follow-up treatments to help keep on top of that fuller-looking appearance.

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Are there any side effects?

The risk of side effects can greatly vary. Make sure when booking your dermal fillers in Kent you are going to an accredited, established practice using industry-approved products. Checking with other local people and looking at online reviews can seriously help in making sure you go to the right person.

There are some serious problems that can happen when you have fillers done but they are super rare – if in the event you do find yourself experiencing side effects contact your practice straight away or dial 111 for further medical assistance. Side Effects can include any type of infection, lumps under the skin, blocked blood vessels, or serious inflammation.


Thinking about having cosmetic procedures done can be a scary thought, especially if you do not know what to expect. We hope you have found this post about everything there is to know about dermal fillers helpful. If you are considering getting dermal fillers, be sure to book a consultation with a licensed and experienced practice.

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One Reply to “Everything You Need To Know About Dermal Fillers”

  1. Claire Masters

    It’s interesting to know about dermal fillers such as those injected on the lips which can last for a year. I think there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your physical appearance. If it helps with making you confident, then I think it might be worth trying.


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