Tips and Tricks For Mompreneurs

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Tips and Tricks For Mompreneurs

I know firsthand how hard it is starting a new business.  I still struggle and wish I had a magic genie to do everything for me.  Sadly no such thing exists, but there are a few things that may help you get through your days.  This is my list of tips and tricks that make my days a bit easier to handle.

Candice Lee Drew delivers valuable tips for busy Mompreneurs in her latest post on Inspiring Mompreneurs. #TipsandTricksforMompreneurs Turn It On.  

You read that right ladies, let’s turn it on.  Automation can be your best friend. Don’t believe me, look at your coffee pot.  It made your coffee for you, all you had to do was add creamer and sugar, whalla poof, coffee.  Easy peasy.

I’m in a few entrepreneur groups on Facebook and the complaints that come up are common.  Email is a time suck for people.  Take a day and set up folders and make it automatic that the unimportant stuff gets deleted or set aside for a different day.  You can do the same for the important stuff and set up the reminders to read them when you have the time to properly address the issue at hand.

Embrace Your P.A.P. 

No, not a pap like from the gyno.  Passive-Aggressive Personality.  Granted that is you of course.  It’s me to a T.  I used to tell people I have no middle ground, either too passive or too aggressive.  Well ladies, this is business and if you are too passive, you lose.  Learn that you are worth it, the time, the money, the investment, all of it.  If the client doesn’t see this, their loss.

Balance out your aggressive side with a touch of passive.  In my first business, I cleaned houses and I didn’t know how to price the job.  I did what the previous company did, price by rooms. WRONG! People tried to tell me to charge hourly, i.e. $20/hr., 4hrs per house.  I never knew just how long it would take in any given house.  Well,  I look back now and scream.  I should have been aggressive.  Too many clients took advantage of me, knowing that I was young and needed the money.

Read Them Like A Book.  

Every one of us has a story.  Getting to the root of the story may help you depending on your type of business.  For coaches, we live for this.

Body language tells a lot about a person and here’s a little secret….this is how it works with fake psychics!   They see your eyes shift or start to tear up, if your hand gets tense or if you sit a certain way. People want to hear what they want to hear, not necessarily the truth.

I listened to the audio book How To Talk to Anyone – 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships by Leil Lowndes.  I love her book.

Get the Audio on Amazon.  Or  Get the Book on Amazon.

Candice Lee Drew entertains while delivering valuable tips for busy Mompreneurs in her latest post on Inspiring Mompreneurs. #TipsandTricksforMompreneursHousework Won’t Pay The Bills. 

The other big complaint in my groups and from me personally is the housework.

This too can be automated to a point.  Do you have a dishwasher? Have it work while you are asleep or writing in your office.  I don’t have a good dishwasher, it’s old and broken.  We use it as a drying rack lol.

If this is you too, then may I suggest the Get It Done Now method?

Get it Done Now Method

What is that?  It’s a simple way to avoid procrastination and sadly already invented by someone else. It was new to me. You may need to catch up on that pile of dishes and that’s ok, once you do then every time you use a dish, plate, cup, bowl, etc. then you wash, dry and put away immediately.  It takes seconds and you are done.  You have freed up time and clutter so that you can focus on your business.

Do you have a Roomba?

I don’t but then again I have 2 Siberian Huskies, the hair would break the poor thing in minutes.  If you have one, set it to clean when you are sleeping, in the shower, or out running errands.  It’s one less thing to distract you.

Do this technique with everything that you can including bills.

Addressed and Done.  

The moment you get the mail, shred the spam and open the bills, pay them and shred.  If you prefer to keep a file, keep one on an external hard drive so it doesn’t clutter up your computer. Setting up bill pay would save you lots of time and stress.

Deliver Honest Work.  

That means that keep to your word.  We are in the business of helping others and giving quality to them. This helps you too, mentally.  Living a lie is not living. Do what you say you will do.  If you can’t, don’t make promises and always apologize.  Have a backup plan in case. When you deliver honest work, word of mouth of your awesomeness will spread faster than a wildfire.

Don’t miss Candice’s previous post on Inspiring Mompreneurs…

The Struggles of a Stay-At-Home Mompreneur

Candice Lee Drew has created 3 Gorgeous Niche Websites:

  1. Personal Nutrition 4 U

  2. Simplistic Home

  3. Brazen-One

You can find Candice on 

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About Candice Lee Drew

Candice Lee Draw is a Homeschooling Mama with 3 gorgeous niche websites of her own,, and

2 Replies to “Tips and Tricks For Mompreneurs”

  1. Pattrick

    Thanks you for the very latest post, Candice Lee! I am gonna be your regular reader from now on. Yeah, email handling is absorbing my fruitful time indeed. Your tip was great on that. will apply that sooner. And procrastination is certainly a very bad thing. I don’t like to have that in me. Delivering honest work is super effective. It helps me to make myself more stronger internally!

    • Candice Lee Drew Post author

      Pattrick, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate you being a regular reader. I am a big procrastinator and I get side tracked easy. Do you also struggle with being you and being the person others want you to be?


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