This Is What It Takes to Start a Magazine in 2021

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Countless individuals the world over found themselves unemployed as a result of the global pandemic. During their unplanned time off, many of these men and women decided to make the move to being their own boss.

They decided it was time to try something new.

For some of these people, launching a magazine has been a dream of theirs, one they now plan to make a reality.

What does it take to start a magazine in 2021?

This Is What It Takes to Start a Magazine in 2021

What It Takes to Start a Magazine


America’s first publication appeared in 1741. Although didn’t play a role in this publication, staff members recognize magazines continue to be popular with individuals today.

In fact, the magazine industry recently reported annual global revenue of over $67 billion. To make a name in this industry, entrepreneurs must spend time planning the new publication.

Find a niche for the magazine. All items in the magazine will revolve around this general concept. To publish a successful magazine, find a way to cover the topic that distinguishes the publication from other magazines focused on the same subject. Knowing the target audience becomes of great help in determining the proper niche.

Choose a title that will draw people in and make certain the tone and message are appropriate for the niche. For example, magazines dedicated to politics typically won’t have a humorous tone, unless the magazine is meant to be satire. Choose the stylistic elements before going forward with the process.

Related:  10 Things to Consider Before Starting a Creative Business

Develop a Business Plan

Create a business plan that focuses on the logistics of starting a new venture. Funding for the first issue should be included in this plan, along with distribution methods. Set a price for each publication and determine whether an office will be needed for staff members. Will freelancers be used or will all content come from staff members?

Ads are used to fund many magazines, and a budget must be established. Before speaking with potential advertisers, create a content calendar for the first year. Companies want this information before they will commit to advertising in the magazine.

For some people, launching a magazine has been a dream of theirs, one they now plan to make a reality. This is what it takes to start a magazine in 2021.Hire Staff

A person cannot publish a magazine without help. Spend the money needed to get a solid team to run the publication. This includes an editor-in-chief and creative director among others. Now is the time to find a reputable printer, and consider working with one who also handles the distribution of the publication.

Rely on the internet to get the word out about the new publication. Begin engaging with the target audience before the first issue comes out. These interactions generate interest in the upcoming issue, and people will tell their friends and family to look out for the magazine when it does arrive.

Put Together the First Issue

Content determines whether a magazine succeeds or fails. Read magazines from competitors and spend time on social media sites to see what the target audience is currently interested in. Incorporate hot topics into the content for the first issue. Ensure the content remains relevant to draw readers in and keep them moving through the issue.

Don’t focus solely on articles. Include different types of material, such as opinion pieces and interviews. Gather photos, infographics, and more to supplement the written content, as readers like to see different types of media.

Once the content creation process is underway, move to creating a mock-up of the first issue. While staff members will handle most tasks related to creating a mock-up, the owner needs to remain involved in the process. This involvement ensures the magazine fits with the owner’s vision.


When the first issue arrives from the printer, it’s time to distribute it. Offer subscriptions and ensure digital content can be shared. Don’t hesitate to make cold calls or use direct mail to get the word out about the new publication. Letting people know about the magazine serves as the first step to building a following.


Speak with readers after the first issue comes out. Learn what they liked and disliked so changes can be made for future issues. Fine-tune the magazine to have readers returning for future issues.


Build a brand around the magazine. Consistency in marketing draws people in and encourages them to subscribe. At the same time, it ensures current subscribers remain engaged.

When marketing the publication, let readers know how it will add value to their lives. With this information, they are more likely to develop an affinity for the publication, and the brand is what will have them coming back.


Diversify the content you offer. Consider creating a book that expands on topics covered in the magazine. Organize a community event related to the magazine niche to introduce the publication to more people, or start a podcast.

Quality Content

Expand on the content being offered. Provide content the reader can act upon or material that will get them thinking. Pay attention to the content in existing issues and determine which pieces readers engage with most.

What pieces do they share with other people online, or which articles accumulate the most comments? Don’t hesitate to send a survey to readers to learn what they want to see more of.

Expand Your Presence

Print and digital magazines are only the beginning. Create videos and share them online or set up social media polls. Podcasts continue to increase in popularity and taking part in community events helps to build a network, one that can share the publication with others.

Consider doing teasers much as film producers release trailers. With these teasers, you can generate interest in an upcoming issue and encourage people to subscribe.

Spend time planning the magazine before you move forward in the process. Although it is more exciting to jump in and start creating content or talking about the venture on social media, the planning stages remain the most important part of the process. Careful planning helps to prevent delays, mistakes, and more.

Furthermore, consider working with a mentor, someone who has taken this journey before. They become of great help in overcoming challenges, avoiding pitfalls, and marketing successfully to the target audience. Help is always appreciated when you are trying something new, and most people never launch more than one magazine in their lifetime so this help is priceless.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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