Charity Work: 5 Foundations That Support Underprivileged Children

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More than a million children across the world are underprivileged based on the latest reports with another 150 million now living in less than optimal conditions because of the pandemic.

Though it may be difficult for many people to believe, those children live their lives without even the most basic of necessities, such as nutritional meals, clean water, and in some cases, even shelter.

Several organizations are dedicated to helping to meet the needs of those children and their families.

5 Foundations That Support Underprivileged Children

Foundations for Underprivileged Children

The Lifesavers Foundation

The Lifesavers Foundation aids women and children in a range of ways.

Through their Upscale Clothing Store, the foundation provides clothing and other items to women, teens, and children in need. Via proceeds from the store, the Lifesavers Foundation also provides food to hungry families and medical care to people who need it.

They also supply diapers, cribs, car seats, and other items to young and single mothers to ensure children get off to the best possible start in life.

Those who are interested in donating or supporting the cause can help at

Children for Tomorrow

Children for Tomorrow focuses on helping children and families in countries that are plagued by war, organized crime, and similar issues.

They generally provide therapy and psychiatric treatment for those who have been severely impacted by violence, crimes, loss of family members, and persecution.

Some of the afflicted and war-torn countries they operate in include Germany, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, and Uganda to name a few.

Charity Work: 5 Foundations That Support Underprivileged Children | Foundations UnderprivilegedBBC World Service Trust

Human rights are the primary focus of the BBC World Service Trust. This organization strives to foster development and uplift the rights of all people, mainly women and children.

They’re also concentrating on providing greater access to news and knowledge via technology. Through various media outlets, they educate the public in the countries they serve on politics, health, fairness to all, and a number of other important topics.

They operate in countries like India, Cambodia, Nigeria, and Bangladesh among others.

World Children’s Fund

The World Children’s Fund serves children around the world. Its programs are designed to help those in countries where war, civil unrest, famine, natural disasters, and diseases are running rampant.

This organization likewise helps children who suffer from abuse, hunger, and poverty. Some of its focal points include providing and maintaining housing and orphanages for children in need and making education accessible to those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to go to school.

United Nations Foundation

The United Nations Foundation revolves around solving problems on a global scale. Its members work together to address widespread problems like climate change, poverty, health crises, and conflict.

This foundation also works toward empowering women, overcoming the health challenges women and children often face, and ensuring girls have the opportunity to benefit from education.

Giving Rising Generations the Power to Succeed

Many of us don’t quite realize the scope of issues children are facing these days. Hundreds of thousands of children are living with hardships horrors most people can’t imagine.

These organizations and many others are committed to helping children around the world. From giving them and their families the resources they need today to setting them up to succeed in the future, they’re working to change the world in many ways.

Thanks to foundations like these, the rising generation may have a hand in resolving all the issues we face today so the world can be a better place for generations to come.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

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