Inspire Team Collaboration With These Staff Appreciation Ideas

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The last 14 months have seen definite shifts in how businesses operate. Many companies have been forced to adapt to a new way of functioning during the pandemic.

As a result, staff appreciation is more important than ever as employees have had to navigate a unique working style and adjust to changing habits.

A recent study showed that one of the main reasons people enjoyed coming to work was feeling appreciated. But, of course, the top reason was the people they work with.

Not surprisingly, meeting new people also made the list, so let’s look at how you can inspire team collaboration with these staff appreciation ideas.

Inspire Team Collaboration With These Staff Appreciation Ideas

Team Collaboration

Team Days

Not only are team days great for bonding, but employee activity days are known to improve morale, motivation and therefore, productivity. Showing your staff that you appreciate them through team building days can be very rewarding for your team and your business.

A break from the office is exactly what your employees need to interact with different staff members, relax and have fun. Unfortunately, many businesses overlook the necessity of team days; however, those that invest in their staff wellbeing and appreciation see the benefits in the long run.

Related: 12 Ways to Develop a Team that Delivers

Say it with Sweets

Say It With Sweets

Often, a slight change in day to day routine can be enough to make your staff feel appreciated and initiate positive talk around the office. Something as simple as a sweet treat waiting for your employees in the staff room is the surprise they need to boost their mood and make them feel valued.

How about a box of delicious doughnuts or tasty cakes? You could even go the extra mile by ordering a variety of sweets to create goody bags for each member of staff. There’s nothing like a sweet treat to brighten someone’s day. This personal touch won’t go unnoticed.

Inspire Team Collaboration With These Staff Appreciation Ideas | Staff Appreciation pinTeam Incentives

If you really want to create a robust team environment within the workplace, implement some team incentives. Rewarding employees for goals they reach as a group, rather than individually, results in greater performance and goal-reaching.

In addition, setting group-based tasks enables your employees to work with people they may not usually spend time with and create new relationships doing so.

Extra days off, vouchers or a dinner booking are just a few great reward ideas. Get creative, and the list is endless.

Peer Recognition

Employees spend a lot of time with co-workers, so knowing that a company values and appreciates staff is just as important as the boss’s approval.

Unfortunately, most businesses operate with manager to employee feedback and can sometimes neglect the importance of peer to peer recognition.

Using peer recognition is known to increase productivity, strengthen team morale, and increase employee engagement, all factors that contribute to reduced turnover rates.

Hearing someone other than your boss or your mum compliment your work is super empowering. Introducing peer recognition into the workplace is a sure-fire way to improve overall job satisfaction.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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