10 Reasons That Make Interior Faux Plants The Best Landscaping Option

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Have you been thinking about beautifying your office with some greenery?  I have. My home office is in dire need of some decoration.  But I have one problem.  I do not have green fingers.  At all.  I just cannot seem to keep a plant alive. 

So here’s a solution I hadn’t considered until this interesting guest post crossed my desk – artificial plants.  

And here are reasons to choose faux plants over living plants that I hadn’t even considered.

Guest Post submitted by Anmol Sharma of PermaLeaf® | Plantscape Inc

10 Reasons That Make Interior Faux Plants The Best Landscaping Option

Ready to brighten up your office? Here's why faux plants are a great idea. #reasonstochoosefauxplantsA little bit of peace and serenity can act as a boon to your employees amidst the day to day chaos and work pressure. Be it a hospital, theme park, mall, pub, restaurant, art gallery or casino a great team of employees working in accordance with the customers can definitely generate better revenue and reputation.

So how do you do it? Simple, just bring in a breath of fresh air with greenery and you are done. It gets easier with faux plants having the upper hand over the real ones and here’s why.

1. Down with the Big Bucks

In comparison to your choice of topiary trees live plants may seem like a viable option at first, but hold on.

Count in the factor of never having to replace your faux plant because of natural damages and while you do that also keep in mind the zero need for a ton of chemicals and manpower that you’d have to invest in the real babies, so faux plants are really a one-time wise investment that you can reap the benefits of for years to come.

2. The looking after

Fancy a tropical vibe for your hotel décor? Here’s why you need to give installation of real plants a deep thought.

Think of the amount of time and manpower you’d have to spend for maintaining those tropical greens while tropical silk plants need none of that pruning, or looking after, whatsoever.

Once installed these faux specimens would keep up the tropical ambience you so desire, and without a drop of sweat, you could enjoy it for a long time.

3. Dark or light- lack of right environment

Have an unsuitable interior environment for live plants, worry not, artificial plants are at your service. Maybe the real bay leaf topiary of your choice won’t survive in the indoor climate of your commercial estate but the faux ones would.

For real plants, the right amount of light or dark period along with the right percentage of moisture in the atmosphere is really important, or they are susceptible to wilting or drying, while their faux counterparts will remain evergreen or whatever pigmentation they originally have consistently with time.

4. Providing a non-allergic work environment

Health is a great aspect to give more than a thought to when deciding on interior landscaping, as real plants can give rise to several allergic reactions to sensitive folks, one of the major being pollen allergy. Apart from this you also have the chemicals used as fertilizers, pesticides for maintenance which can cause severe allergies in some.

It’s already troublesome for humans, and god forbid your customer decides to drop by with their pet, and they fall sick, bad for business, isn’t it?

Since the artificial outdoor topiary or the indoor version doesn’t require any of these chemicals and neither do they produce pollen, there is no such need to worry, which makes them a preferable option for many interior landscapers these days.

5. These faux plants are lit!

Not literally though. One of the most important of factors that you need to consider is safety.

There have been a lot of cases where indoor plants have been the cause of spreading fire and thus resulting in loss of property. To avoid the same fate as its real and artificial predecessors the artificial plants manufactured now are injected with fire retardant chemicals.

Some of them are treated with a post-manufacturing process where such chemicals are sprayed on them to be immune to flames, but these are clinically tested to not cause any side effects whatsoever. This is why topiary trees artificial version is a lot more desirable and the smart choice for interior landscaping.

6. Free from pests but your pets will love them just the same

Since these faux plants, be it palm trees, hedges or the ones meant for large commercial Christmas decorations, do not attract pests of any kind, there is absolutely no need for the use of pesticides. This makes having them in your commercial space multiple times easier than the real ones.

The imitation game is really spot on and you can’t really tell if they’re fake or not from a distance, a touch will tell you the difference that your eyes would fail to recognize.

7. Oomph up your space

With time you may witness leaves drying up or other morphological changes in indoor real plants that might not be very pleasing to the eye, but these faux plants be it the tropical plants phoenix, giant palm trees or ivy, they keep looking as vibrant as they were when rented or installed or the first time without any proper care whatsoever.

8. Oh, the choices!

There are tons of options for you to choose from for the wall backdrop to the animal-shaped topiaries for your theme parks. Just in case of hedges you get a wide range of options to choose from and keep changing the décor as you wish.

9. Easy installation

If you’ve hired landscape designers to take care of installation good for you, but if you haven’t then you can easily opt for the Plant service company technicians and designers who would love to consult with you and have the right products placed in the exact area of your choice in no time.

10. Customization at your will

Be it an 8ft tall topiary, or a giant Christmas tree for the centrepiece at your mall, lounge or casino lobby; these faux plant companies can customize your order in accordance with your choice of plants. All you have to do is order, and you can have them adorning your big commercial space in no time.

In Summary

Artificial commercial trees are now the first go-to option for many landscapers after they have made their mark on the red carpet events in the past year and loved for their variability, distinguished look, fire retardant ability and many more great features.

Have you ever tried using faux plants to brighten up your living or working space? 

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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