So proud to feature our 48th Inspiring Mompreneur and share this exciting news… Olga Lipkovics and fellow Access Bars Facilitators, Jenny Watkins and Rosley Sibanda have co-founded a Non-Profit Organization called Possibility Corner, teaching Access Bars to Schools in Khayelitsha, Cape Town.
When Olga turned 50 a few weeks ago, she came over for a birthday treatment with me and shared the amazing story of how miraculously this long-held dream of hers has come to life. Olga asked friends and family not to give her gifts for her 50th birthday, but to contribute to Possibility Corner instead. How amazing is that?
Olga is a dear friend of mine and the first facilitator who taught me Access Bars. I got so excited about her new project that I posted this shortly after our inspiring chat.
On Tuesday, 6th February, I interviewed Olga to share more details now that Possibility Corner is officially launched and the first training has been conducted at Inkanini Primary School in Khayelitsha, Cape Town.
You’ll find the video, podcast and transcript of the interview in this article. But firstly…
What is Possibility Corner (NPC)?
Possibility Corner is the answer to naughty corners in School classrooms.
Imagine this…
Rather than placing children in a naughty corner on their own when they are being disruptive or unruly in class…
A Possibility Corner will be where children or teachers can give and receive a soothing, gentle treatment called Access Bars.
Wouldn’t this be infinitely more effective?
Anyone, of any age (from 4 and up) can learn to give Access Bars. It’s simply giving a light, calming touch, holding 32 points on the head that help relieve anxiety, stress and depression.
Benefits of Access Bars
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Improves concentration
- Enhances performance
- Lessens worry
- Increases joy
- Increases confidence, creativity and curiosity
Possibility Corner – Interview with Olga Lipkovics (Video)
Possibility Corner – Interview with Olga Lipkovics (Podcast)
Possibility Corner (Transcript of Interview with Olga)
[00:00:00] Lauren Kinghorn: Hi everyone.
As promised. I’m live this morning (6th January 2024) with Olga Lipkovics. She is the Family Wellbeing Coach. She’s impressed with me that I actually pronounced her name right because we’ve been practicing before this.
Olga has started an incredible Non-Profit Organization with a couple of friends called Possibility Corner. I know that you are the Family Wellbeing Coach, Olga, and this has been something that you have wanted to do for years. Please introduce what your vision and your dream have been for all of these years and how it’s now coming to fruition.
Olga Lipkovics – Family Wellbeing Coach
[00:00:43] Olga Lipkovics: Oh, awesome. Thank you so much for having me here. First of all, this whole concept of the Family Wellbeing Coach came to me when I was already working with families back then, when I started to have families and with my first baby.
When I started to help moms with baby-wearing and breastfeeding and co-sleeping and all these alternative ways of raising children kind of stories. I was the alien of Cape Town with all these concepts. And I went to baby clinics to educate moms and families.
And then eventually it grew into this family well-being coach concept where all different kinds of areas of life, I started to meet families and work with families at different ages and stages of their children’s life. So that’s how it all started. And I have this dream of the Family Wellbeing Centre.
One day it’s going to happen. And it’s going to have the four pillars:
- Education
- Health
- Wealth
- Happiness
And Possibility Corner falls into the first pillar, this education concept. Expert education. Because with our co-founders Jenny Watkins and Rosley Sibanda, we decided that we are going to take this method of stress release and the method that can help children to focus better to the community and the schools in Khayelitsha in Cape Town.
[00:02:26] Lauren Kinghorn: Right. So it’s education and health really. Particularly mental health and anxiety and depression. Wow.
[I realised by the end of this interview that Possibility Corner will cater to all 4 of Olga’s Pillars, as Access Bars certainly helps people feel happier.
And the Non-Profit will also train Matriculants or staff members to work as Access Bars Practitioners and Facilitators, creating the possibility of a career in health and wellness.
So there we go, Possibility Corner is set to create Education, Health, Wealth and Happiness. ]
Who Do You Serve?
So who did you have in mind when you first started your business? Who do you serve?
[00:02:40] Olga Lipkovics:
Well it was all the moms who had high expectations about them being a mom and not knowing what to do because nobody teaches that at schools. And then you fall into the guilt and shame and blame and judgments every single day that I’m not doing it right. And obviously I have experienced it for myself.
And then I realized it’s like, there must be some solution there. There must be a group of people who are experiencing the same. And there are not many because we are all ashamed of our failures. We’re not willing to go and be vulnerable and say it’s like, “I have no idea what I’m doing here. I’m just trying to keep this child alive at any age and any stage”.
And then, you know, it just started that because I opened up as I was in communication with moms and with families, then they opened up. And then it grew.
[00:03:47] Lauren Kinghorn: Amazing. Oh, I love that because so many moms that I’ve spoken to over the years have got so much mom guilt.
Mom guilt is a big thing. And just always feeling like they weren’t doing it right or should be doing it differently. And yeah, we’ve all had that. Every one of us as moms has felt some kind of mom guilt somewhere along the track.
[00:04:09] Olga Lipkovics: The hidden agenda in this was the children. So when you asked me, who was on my mind, it’s like actually the children, but you know, the children are the children. And so we have to, as adults be there for them and show them a different way of being and existing in this reality. So technically we have to have the moms.
[00:04:35] Lauren Kinghorn: Yes, so you’re working with the whole family, aren’t you?
[00:04:38] Olga Lipkovics: Yes.
[00:04:40] Lauren Kinghorn: And as a mother yourself you’ve spoken about the difficult side of motherhood, but what has been the number one highlight of motherhood for you?
[00:04:52] Olga Lipkovics: When I eventually gave up in the very beginning to wanting to make it right, I realized that actually I just have to allow myself to be the child.
And so when I went down to that level, well went up to that height to be correct. That’s when I could see the reality from their point of view, when you are sitting on the ground with them and playing. And so the allowance of me to play as a child again.
And anytime I’m opting in with my children and with anybody else’s children, it is the highlight of every single day and every single moment when I allow myself to be there.
Is there a book that had huge significance to you?
[00:05:38] Lauren Kinghorn: Oh, that is so inspiring. I love that.
And is there a book, a song or a movie that has had a huge significance or meaning in your life?
[00:05:49] Olga Lipkovics: There is actually plenty, but one of the crazy inspirations was Steve Biddulph, who wrote the book about raising children, raising boys and girls and eventually raising children.
And so when I read his book and his perspective and the perspective based on the research that he did as a clinical psychologist, then it was like, okay, so I’m not that far from the truth.
That was a really, really great confirmation.
Get Steve and Shaaron Biddulph’s book: The Complete Secrets of Happy Children on Amazon
And the books of Access Consciousness were the other really inspiring and life-changing experience when I started to use the tools when my first baby, my daughter was about four years old.
And then the implementation of the tools and the methods changed everybody’s life, obviously not just mine.
And therefore it became the main toolkit that I’m offering to my clients, and to the families I’m working with as well.
[00:06:58] Lauren Kinghorn: Do you have a favourite Access Consciousness book for those who aren’t Access Consciousness people who are watching this? They might not know the names of the books.
[00:07:08] Olga Lipkovics: This is the one. [ Holding up a copy of the book, Would You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree? by Anne Maxwell, Gary M Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer]
[00:07:09] Lauren Kinghorn: Oh, would you teach a fish to climb a tree? I love that. And that’s something Albert Einstein said, isn’t it?
[00:07:18] Olga Lipkovics: Yes, you know, because he knew we are still catching up with him, that everybody is. He did not even speak for four years. Why? Because Everything was all right, Mom. I didn’t need to ask for anything, is what he said.
[00:07:37] Lauren Kinghorn: That’s amazing.
[00:07:41] Olga Lipkovics: So this one is, would you teach a fish to climb a tree? It’s a revolutionary book for every family who’s living and loving children labelled with ADHD, OCD, Autism (ASD), or any other labels. I’m just getting the angels bumps each time I’m talking about it.
[00:08:01] Lauren Kinghorn: I know that Access Consciousness has quite a unique perspective on children who have all these diagnoses.
I’d love you to expand on that because I’ve been to your workshop where you had all of the different people explaining how it’s really a gift. And not what medical science is calling it, a disorder. Do you see it that way?
[00:08:22] Olga Lipkovics: Well, I see it in a completely different way, obviously, through experience of my own children is that when you allow the children to grow and develop in their own space, then you don’t function from expectations and wanting them to fit into that box where they supposed to be at age 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 by the time they get the diagnosis.
Because each child is developing differently. And when they have the space to grow organically, we love this word organic, except when it comes to children’s development. Then they actually first discover their natural talents.
And from there, you can build up all the other academic outcomes and results and expectations because they know who they are, they are functioning from their own desire and they know they can learn that.
Yes, this has to be done because in this reality, we function on this and this and this way. And I believe that the children who are not fitting in, and behaving inappropriately in a certain environment, it’s because they don’t know how to be themselves. Because they’re not allowed to be themselves in most of situations and many times including at home.
So that’s part of the journey because us parents have the highest expectations towards our children and we have to work through that. And then when we become the child, when we allow ourselves to become the child and see the world from their perspective, then it can change.
[00:10:12] Lauren Kinghorn: And also I think what parents often realize when they get these diagnoses is that they also have ADHD or ADD. And they were misunderstood as children and put into those boxes themselves, but because they’ve pushed it down for so long and been what the world told them to be because it was drummed into them for so long, it’s really hard for them to relate. And to allow.
So, wow. It’s a huge subject, a huge subject.
[00:10:39] Olga Lipkovics: Absolutely. Absolutely. The more you allow yourself to be you, you are actually helping your children to find themselves. Without being the expected outcome of the parent. Because many times we’re not aware of the fact that we are recreating our childhood, what we could not have, through our children. And that’s okay. But being in it with awareness is the key. So then we can create from there.
[00:11:10] Lauren Kinghorn: Exactly. Wow.
Possibility Corner – How It Launched at Lightning Speed
So tell me more about Possibility Corner and your hopes and plans for the year with Possibility Corner,introduce it to everybody so they understand what you’re doing.
[00:11:23] Olga Lipkovics: Okay, so Possibility Corner happened completely unexpectedly and miraculously and with such a speed that I have never experienced in my entire life when it comes to creating projects, creating and actualizing projects. So what happened is that I had a couple of trainings for families to learn Access Consciousness, The Bars as a tool to create a different dynamic in the family.
And from one of these classes, these are half-day classes, one of the moms who has been receiving Bars sessions for like 10, 15 weeks already, she said, that I would like to do this for real, what should I do?
So I went and explained, it’s like, okay, you become a Practitioner and then we take it from there.
And then a couple of weeks later, she became an Access Bars Practitioner. So she could actually facilitate the process as a professional. And during the conversations after that class, she said, you know, I would just love to work with you on this because this has to be all over the place.
And it’s like, exactly, because it can be absolutely used anywhere to release stress without talking about your traumas without going back into the past and reliving those moments. It’s a silent stress-release method. And because of that, people open up and become more and more vulnerable towards each other.
Therefore, the dynamic in the family changes. Therefore, the dynamic in the Schools can change. Therefore, the dynamic in the workplace can change.
And so we started to brainstorm and we realized that she has incredible connections in the communities in Khayelitsha. So then she organized a meeting for the 1st of November, and then it turned out that it wasn’t just the Chairman of the Khayelitsha school governing body, but all the representatives of the Khayelitsha schools, the 65 schools.
It was postponed to the 3rd of November and we had to be ready in like two days with a presentation of what we are offering and a registered non-profit organization and all this jazz because you know we want to be professional and we are professionals. So in two days literally Possibility Corner came to life.
We invited one of the certified facilitators, Jenny Watkins, to be the third founding member of Possibility Corner. And then the story just started to unfold at an incredible speed.
First Training Day for Teachers at Inkanini Primary School
So we had the presentation on the 3rd of November, we had another demonstration day on the 16th of December, and we had our first training day for the teachers at the Inkanini Primary School in Khayelitsha on the 16th of January.
And we are about to have our first class this coming Friday (9th February 2024) for the first students in that same school at Inkanini for the Grade Seven students.
[00:14:46] Lauren Kinghorn: It’s happening. It’s really happening. It’s so amazing. It’s two months. It’s two months and you’ve got this all going, or is it three months now? November, December, January. Incredible.
[00:14:58] Olga Lipkovics: Yes, yes. And with such an ease.
[In keeping with the Mantra of Access Consciousness: “All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.”]
You know, it’s like when just things are falling into place, people are showing up, people are saying, yes, I would love to be in it. Yes, I can contribute. Yes, here, here is the contribution to the printing. So then you can have the class.
We started to receive contributions from all over the world. Thanks to Katarina Wallentin who is the Facilitator for bars in business and bars in schools in general at the Access Consciousness team. And so she spread the word about the project and we are in constant communication with all the people all over the world.
Yeah, it’s just absolutely beautiful.
[00:15:44] Lauren Kinghorn: Wow, and how is it being received by the teachers? So you’ve taught the teachers and how are they enjoying it? Have you seen results with them?
[00:15:56] Olga Lipkovics: So what was very interesting is that when we had the training and I was chatting with the principal and then I told him, I know that when you said yes to us back then in December, you had no idea what we were about to bring into your school and he said, Yes, that’s correct.
But on the training day, people just actually started to just relax and all the information, what we shared and the tools, what we shared on that, they just started to sink in instantaneously and they started to enjoy that way of being in their body, which is relaxed. And the changes on the faces, the look at us, it’s like, you’re looking like this and it’s like, oh, thank you.
It was just absolutely beautiful. Most of them just knew where are the points because the Access Bars is like, we are touching 32 points on the head and very lightly. And it’s just, their fingers just fell into place and it was absolutely beautiful. So it was very, very well received.
Possibility Corner – Hopes and Plans for the Year
We are about to go to the school on Friday and our arrangement with the school is that we’re going to have trainings every second week on Friday for the children. So then we can train everybody at the school.
And so each time we are there, we are going to get our little survey going to all the people who has already learned the technique and have received the sessions, so then we can have appropriate feedback.
So the implementation is also monitored in that way because they also committed that the worst case scenario is that they gonna run each other’s bars as the teachers now the first group every second week. So I’m trusting that when we are there, they are going to do that.
So then we can be there while they are doing that because that’s, that’s my key dream is to actually have the proper implementation at every school that we are taking the method and teaching it so they can benefit from it’s changes because already on the training, it changes a lot.
But regular usage of the method and the tools, it’s what is going to create the shift. And because of that, we are going to create Possibility Corners in classrooms. Or depends, you know, the space we even had the idea to raise funds for Possibility Containers because this school specifically is built up with containers.
So then maybe we can create a dedicated container where the children can go and that’s where they can have their yoga mats or gravity chairs where they can receive the sessions. We are planning to put up the posters on the wall with the other tools, the questions and everything to remind them to use these tools.
So, we have this all planned.
And in fact, our sustainability model is to take the concept of stress relief and offering Bars in Business, and take it to corporates. And any kind of businesses, any size of businesses and any other schools, private schools as well, that they can actually become contributors to the Possibility Corners what we are creating in Khayelitsha.
So their investment into the program, into the training, and what we would provide could contribute or partially contribute to the project in Khayelitsha.
[00:19:45] Lauren Kinghorn: Amazing. So if anybody’s listening on this call who works for a shipping line and has some containers around, are you looking for 20-foot containers or 40-foot containers? What size container are you needing? (I don’t know). Okay, any container will do. So if anybody knows anyone who’s got containers that they can give away to the project, that would be amazing.
If anybody knows anyone at a school, a private school or any kind of school that could also run this program in the school and then donate some of the money back into the Khayelitsha project, that would also be amazing.
So that’s the kind of things you’re looking for right now.
I’m guessing, I can just see those containers, but you would probably paint them with your beautiful Possibility Corner logo and have some gorgeous things inside that would make it really inviting.
Possibility Corner – Vision Going Forward
And so what’s your vision going forward? Will the teachers be giving the Access Bars to the children or will the children be giving Access Bars to each other? How is it going to roll out?
[00:20:52] Olga Lipkovics: Since everybody’s going to be trained at the school, it’s infinite possibilities.
[00:20:58] Lauren Kinghorn: So children can give it to teachers, teachers can give it to children, children can give it to children.
[00:21:03] Olga Lipkovics: And the beauty is that once you learn the technique, the children as well as the teachers can take it home and run their friends and families’ Bars as well. So they can actually take it. And the numbers are that in the 65 schools in Khayelitsha, there is about 90, 000 children and teachers, but they can all take it home.
Right. It’s gonna be so much greater scale of people who we actually can reach out to, these projects.
Olga’s Children Also Run Access Bars
[00:21:39] Lauren Kinghorn: Incredible. And tell me about your own children, because I know that your daughter was one of the youngest people to learn access bars and your son’s just learned as well.
So talk a bit about that too.

Olga’s children: Martin spontaneously giving Access Bars to his sister, Maya
[00:21:51] Olga Lipkovics: Okay. So when I came across Access Consciousness, that was about about 11 years ago. And my daughter was four. And I was raising her on the way that she came with me everywhere, wherever I went. So, including the Access Consciousness training days.
So she was 4 when she technically became a Facilitator because she has attended three different classes with me and the beauty is that when in the normal environment an adult attends the class, then the children under age 15 receive it for free.
So obviously she was with me, she got the certificates and then she was running my Bars back then and her Dad’s Bars whenever we needed at home and she was using the tools. So, yeah, so it was really, really cute.
The tiny little four-year-old is working on someone’s head.
And my son who I just trained somewhere middle of last year to become a Practitioner. He was with us on our demo day, helping to actually facilitate the demo process during our presentation to the school. Together with another very young practitioner, Rosley’s daughter, who also became a practitioner with her mom as I was training her.
And so the two of them were running the children’s bars, like a machine in five minutes. Done, done, done, done, done. It was amazing to see. And then the children came out from these demo sessions. And then they were like, it was like heaven.
[00:23:34] Lauren Kinghorn: It’s so quick. I know when I work on my son, he can tolerate about 5 to 10 minutes tops. I think the longest session he’s had is maybe 15, 20 minutes when he’s been really sick. But children don’t need a lot and then they’re good to go.
So you could do it really quickly and have an amazing benefit for maybe a child who’s stressing out or feeling anxious, or I can imagine that before exams, when people are going into exams, that they have the Bars, that must be amazing.
[00:24:04] Olga Lipkovics: I know. One of the facilitators who was there with us on the teacher’s training. In the video we created about that day she talks about her experiences because she has been taking that to high schools already. And they used it consciously as a method of stress release and help for concentration before Matric.
And it was absolutely incredible how those children who was receiving the bars went into Matric with a completely different state of mind.
[00:24:38] Lauren Kinghorn: I can imagine. And even for the studying for Matric.
I was just going into see if we had any questions on the live video, but we don’t have any questions but I think you’re covering it really well.
[00:24:51] Olga Lipkovics: I’m glad. So yeah, so these are the plans for the year is to actually complete the program. When we have the amount of funds, then our plan is to roll it out in one go to actually have as many facilitators as we need to roll it out in the schools simultaneously.
So that would be the big, crazy hairy dream.
Possibility Corner – Creating Jobs in Cape Town, South Africa
[00:25:16] Lauren Kinghorn: Wow. So are you going to actually train up facilitators at the schools or are you talking about it will be people in Khayelitsha becoming Facilitators?
[00:25:25] Olga Lipkovics: Either way. Because it’s a process in the sense of, we can create facilitators out of the Practitioners who already exist in the country and city so to have them train up to become Facilitators so they can go independently and train the classes. So that’s one of them. We also perceive that some of the teachers or some of the social workers or some of the parents wants to become Facilitators or at least Practitioners who then can help us in the school with the implementation and being there as a contact, you know, from the local communities.
For us to be more like more present in the community. So we are open to all possibilities. In fact, one of our aims is to see the matriculants who are finishing Matric at the end of the year and have learned the technique and benefitted from the technique if they might want to become practitioners and later on facilitators.
So then we can actually place them to the corporates, place them to the businesses. And empower them to create a different way of life.
[00:26:48] Lauren Kinghorn: So it’s creating jobs within your nonprofit as well. So you’d be giving jobs to the community as well. I think that would be amazing. The other thing I thought that would work really well is if they have a sick room at the school and there’s a nurse, maybe that person could also be trained. That would be amazing.
[00:27:06] Olga Lipkovics: The aim is, we’re literally aiming to train every single person in the school, from the janitor to the principal.
[00:27:14] Lauren Kinghorn: The Principals even doing it, how fantastic!
[00:27:17] Olga Lipkovics: Absolutely, absolutely. With the teachers training, we have trained the principal, we have trained the school governing body members. So everybody who’s involved with the children is trained.
And we have already another school who is not from the Khayelitsha area. We have them in the queue because they would like to be part of the project as well. Actually, visiting them again on Wednesday they are in Plumstead and their name is Douglas Road Primary School.
That’s a smaller, much smaller scale school, which makes it a bit easier and faster project. It’s only 250 children in the school. And we just met with the principal and she’s absolutely amazing and open to work with us and roll out the training and the whole program in her school.
[00:28:17] Lauren Kinghorn: How big is the first school that you’re working with then?
[00:28:20] Olga Lipkovics: The Inkanini Primary School is 1,420 children.
That’s just one primary schools in Khayelitsha.
This is the average 1,500 in between one thousand three hundred and one thousand five hundred children in one school.
And around about 52 , 42, 60 teachers. I mean, just these numbers are like incredible. The first Grade 7 Class at Inkanini Primary we are about to train is 54 children,
[00:28:55] Lauren Kinghorn: Wow. 54 children in one class.
[00:28:59] Lauren Kinghorn: One teacher, one class, 54 kids. Wow. So that is going to make the world of difference to them. Wow. Incredible.
Possibility Corner 1st Training Day for Learners at Inkanini Primary
Update: 9th February 2024
The first training has taken place for the 7th-grade learners at Inkanini Primary with rip-roaring success. Olga commented afterwards, They were just so willing to learn and receive and they just knew where the points are… it’s crazy!
I asked if they had any feedback from the children yet and she said, They said they experienced today how to let the mind go and stop overthinking.
Video testimonials will be up soon on
How Do You Get Training in Access Bars?
Actually, there is one comment, I’m going to see if it’s a question. Sharon Rose Innes would like to know, how does one get training? I will put you in touch with Sharon. I’ve got her details.
[00:29:33] Olga Lipkovics: Thank you so much.
[00:29:34] Lauren Kinghorn: So that you can train her. Sharon homeschooled her children, really amazingly, they’ve done incredibly well.
And the other thing that she does is she has babies who come to her for the first three months of their life before they get adopted. You’re going to love to meet Sharon and she’s an absolute pillar of the community as well.
[00:29:57] Olga Lipkovics: You know, you can run the bars even on newborn babies. I have been receiving bars during my entire pregnancy. My second child, my son he is a full-blown Access baby. He knows the Bars points from inside out literally.
The training we are offering at the schools is a half day training, two, three hours.
For children, it’s two hours because they are learning very fast and they are receiving very fast and gifting very fast. So it’s a short two hours training for the children.
And it was four hours training for teachers because we have given so much more theories and getting them to, get the concept.
But these are the trainings we are offering to anyone who’s interested. It’s a half-day training for families, for teachers, schools corporates. depends on what is their, their need. We can tailor make it obviously.
And the full day training that gives the certificate. So someone who is receiving the full-day class becomes a certified Access Bars Practitioner.
And then from there, the requirements are to have three different classes with three different Facilitators from anywhere in the world to become a Facilitator.
So you can actually start teaching the method. And that is it. So the founders of Access made it very accessible, very easy to learn, very easy to get to the point where you can actually become a Practitioner and practice it and become a Facilitator to train it. So we can spread this technique all over very fast.
Contact Olga Lipkovics Regarding Access Bars Training and Possibility Corner
[00:31:47] Lauren Kinghorn: And anyone training with you now, would they have a chance of participating in the project and being able to go into schools or do they have to become a facilitator first to be part of that?
[00:31:58] Olga Lipkovics: So the way of teaching the children we are planning it in a way that we’re going to have facilitators as well as Practitioners because the Practitioners can also help us to show the points because they have had the training. So they technically know, but it’s only Facilitators who can teach the class.
Recently, actually this weekend, I just had two families in the full-day class, and one of the families who purposefully chose to do the practitioner training so they can come and contribute to our project in Khayelitsha. They are very sweet and they are from America. So it’s amazing.
[00:32:43] Lauren Kinghorn: Amazing. And I’ve been trained by you as well. I can really vouch for your training. It was Olga who introduced me to Access Bars. Just a little side story here.
And Olga was in my first training, training me. And then she had trained someone up, Sam, who had just become a Bars Facilitator, so Olga was also at my second Bars training, and then Adriana did my third one. So I’ve actually had my three Bars classes, but I’m not yet a Facilitator.
[00:33:15] Olga Lipkovics: Time to activate it.
[00:33:18] Lauren Kinghorn: Yes. I need to press that button.
[00:33:20] Olga Lipkovics: Yes. Now you have a good cause because then you can come and join us.
[00:33:26] Lauren Kinghorn: I’ve got a couple of schools in mind that I’d really like to get involved.
I was involved with a school when I was at The Kids Gym. They worked with a school called Molenbeek with special needs children. And I think that would be an amazing school to work with and bring Bars into. So I love that people are interested and we’re getting the word out and we’ll try and get the word out to more and more people.
Is there anything else you would like to say about the project or any message you’d want to share about why this work is so important to you?
Why Possibility Corner is So Important to Olga
[00:34:00] Olga Lipkovics: It’s such a joyful act, being there when we are training the families and the children and the teachers, it’s really the energies that is there. And then when, at the end of the trainings, you have the relaxed, smiling, hugging, very grateful, people around you, it’s just creating a completely different reality all of a sudden.
And, you know my Name is the acronym for living life with open, loving, grateful, aware attitude.
- Open
- Loving
- Grateful
- Aware
And each moment when we finish the training, that’s exactly what shines through every single person. That open, they just taller, they just more open, they just breathe in a different way. And it’s really beautiful to experience.
So yeah, that’s why.
[00:35:04] Lauren Kinghorn: Oh, that’s so beautiful. Thank you so much.
I know you’ve got limited time and loads of things to do, but if there’s anything else you want to say, now’s your time.
[00:35:14] Olga Lipkovics: I think I have said everything. Really appreciate it.
[00:35:19] Lauren Kinghorn: I love what you’re doing and I support it yeah, big time.
I think it’s just absolutely amazing what you’re doing and it’s something This world needs and our city of Cape Town needs. I hope that the city of Cape Town is listening, I hope you
get some press and let’s hope that you’re going to really get a lot of support.
[00:35:40] Olga Lipkovics: Thank you. We are ready to receive.
Now we are at the point that we have the evidence that we are doing what we are talking about. So we are, ready to enter into the next phase where we are about to go to different fundraising platforms to set up our project information and approach anyone and everyone, Embassies or schools, international schools.
So if anybody knows anybody who is at these spaces who would like to connect us to them, it would be truly appreciated because that’s our next step to actually bring in the right amount of funds so that we can roll out the project on a big scale.
And then we can actually complete our project in the next two, three years.
[00:36:31] Lauren Kinghorn: Are you looking for someone who actually runs your fundraising division?
[00:36:34] Olga Lipkovics: Show me the people
[00:36:37] Lauren Kinghorn: Okay, so you are looking for help.
[00:36:39] Olga Lipkovics: Right now we are doing what we are capable of doing on our own.
But if we could get the professional help, we are open to all possibilities.
We already have a board member who is from America, who has an American-based nonprofit organization who is willing and supporting us with her organization. So if somebody in America wants to, support us and fund us then we can do it through her organization as well.
So, we are ready to work with anyone who could see the Possibility Corner.
[00:37:17] Lauren Kinghorn: I can’t believe how much you have accomplished in these first three months.
How did the name Possibility Corner Come About?
Who came up with the idea of Possibility Corner? I love that name.
[00:37:26] Olga Lipkovics: So that was again, we were using the access consciousness tools in our meetings.
When you register a company, you have to give four names and all three of us were coming up with names, and then we were muscle testing the names what was coming up, what was actually resonating with the project. And then so we gave in the names.
And then the next day, when we got the registration and the registration number, this name was accepted. So we had four choices, which we were all happy with. And then because of the previous registrations, this was the name. And then when we got the name, it’s like, wow, this is amazing.
And that’s when oh, wow, this is how we are changing the naughty corners into possibility corners.
[00:38:15] Lauren Kinghorn: I love it. I love it. No more naughty corners. I do think that Generation School is going to love this as well. I’m going to talk to them.
[00:38:24] Olga Lipkovics: Take it there. Take it there. Beautiful.
[00:38:26] Lauren Kinghorn: Thank you so much. Wow. Thank you so much, Olga. Thank you.
[00:38:30] Olga Lipkovics: Super exciting. And thank you so much again for having me here. Thank you.
[00:38:34] Lauren Kinghorn: Absolute pleasure. Always. Thank you. Lots of love.
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Wow, This was a very unique and inspiring article. I love people who start new ideas because I am like that myself.
It is also great to see that Olga did not only start this dream but she started it at a her age.
As I was reading I was thinking that ideas are there the only thing needed is someone with courage like Olga. I wish Possibility Corner a great start and future.
Thanks so much for your support and inspiration as well, Thabo. Keep shining your special light in the world.
Hi Lauren!
That was very inspiring article! The interview was really interesting, and I’m going to share it, so maybe someone will make use of it. I’m really glad that I have found your website. It is really helpful. The well-being of children is also important for me as I’m a father of my 2,5 years old little boy! Thank you very much:)
Kind regards,
Hi Błażej, so happy to hear you found this post so inspiring that you’ve shared it with others. Much appreciated.
This is a very inspiring article. It is just refreshing to read about a person’s dream and pet project coming to life and achieving its objectives. My congratulations on the takeoff of Possibility Corner.
My question is for Olga. It seems all current training arrangements for others interested in becoming certified Access Bar practitioners are for those based in or around Cape Town. Is there a video-based training, or are there plans to create them soon?
Hi Oluseyi, great question, thanks for asking. Access Bars classes are happening all the time, all around the world.
To find a class near you, pop over to this link for the Global Class Calendar
This is a great article (I read the transcript of the podcast) there are a few things that ring true I saw first hand with my wife and to be honest felt a bit too as a dad with the guilt. Just trying to do the best you can and think gee should I have done this or that differently to teach them?
That’s what has got me researching and I am so glad I found this site, it’s something I can share with my wife and maybe we are not doing a bad job. Sometimes you just need something like this to give you some light.
Thank you for this brilliant article, I has helped me, I know it will help us as a family and no doubt many others!!
Hi Ryan, thanks so much for your awesome comment and your point of view as a Dad who’s been experiencing a bit of dad guilt. I’m so, so happy to hear you felt lighter after reading this post.
If we could alleviate some parent guilt in sharing Olga’s amazing work and message, I’d say this post has succeeded in hitting the sweet spot. Delighted to hear it helped you.
Hey Lauren,
Your topic is both innovative and heartwarming. It demonstrates how non-traditional methods, like Access Bars, can improve the well-being of children and educators in challenging environments. Focusing on mental health and stress relief, especially in underprivileged communities, is an admirable and necessary endeavor. This approach addresses immediate needs while creating possibilities for long-term positive impacts on the community. Your work exemplifies how individual passion and innovative thinking can lead to significant social change.
Hi Sara, Thanks so much for your heartfelt appreciation of what Olga is doing for the community and for recognising that it will have not just immediate benefits but long-term benefits too.
I agree with you, this inspiring project has the potential to create a lasting positive impact and could create a ripple effect for generations to come. I’m so excited to see where this goes.