Easy Ways To Keep Hold Of Great Employees

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Employee Retention

If you have a small business that relies on a small group of excellent skilled employees, it’s crucial that you are able to retain them. The bright lights of a corporate big fish or the dizzying promises of a bumper salary elsewhere can be enough to turn the head of even your most loyal staff member.

Taking your employees for granted can doom your start-up to failure. Your employees are the backbone of your company. They project your ethos, they buy into your vision, and they produce the work and fulfil the tasks that enable your business to thrive.

Take a look at these easy ways to keep hold of your brightest employees.

Easy Ways To Keep Hold Of Great Employees | Staff Retention pinValue Them

It’s not enough to simply say ‘well done’ whenever a great cblog banner lient has been secured or a particularly well-crafted presentation has been pitched. You need to really show your team just how much you value them.

You can click here to discover the sorts of employee benefits you could administer for your team. Incentive programs that tap into the psyche of your workforce will enable them to remain motivated and see beyond the offer of a great pay packet.

Instead, you can show your team that you value them through extra days off work, discounts on local services, and subsidized health insurance. These tangible benefits can reduce staff turnover and make your employees want to remain working for you.


Don’t be one of those bosses that are shackled to their desks never to be seen on the office floor. You need to get to know your employees and know them by name.

Have an open door policy when it comes to communication. If an employee has concerns or has an idea, you want them to come to you to discuss them.

Have a Monday morning meeting each week to talk through targets and issues. Ask your team’s opinion on new initiatives and take on board the brightest and most inspirational views. By really listening to your employees, you can encourage them to stay with a company where they are making a true impact.

Every Friday, send out an email namechecking those individuals who have exceeded their targets. This little bit of positive praise can be motivating and show your team just how much you value their contribution to your venture.


If the office you work in is uninspiring, messy, and tired looking, it doesn’t motivate the individual working in it. You need to whip out the white paint, put up some artwork, install some industrial style lighting, add touches of greenery, get rid of the mess and mold, and enjoy creating an achingly cool environment in which to work.

You want your brightest minds to enjoy heading into work every day. By facilitating a productive environment that is fun, dynamic, and inspiring, you won’t have such a high turnover of staff and can keep hold of those employees that you want to mold into leaders of tomorrow.

Salary isn’t everything. Implement these initiatives to retain your best employees and they will soon realize this too.

Image Credit: Pixabay – CC0 License

Have you ever lost a great employee? What’s your employee retention strategy now?

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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