Competitor Analysis for Successful Dental Marketing

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Competitor Analysis for Successful Dental Marketing

There are many different dental marketing strategies which can help you improve the success of your dental practice and attract new patients.

One of the most important strategies is finding out who your competitors or the other dental practices in your area are and what they have to offer.

Competitor Analysis in Dental Marketing

Find out about the other dental practices in your area

A top tip is to type ‘best dental practice’ plus your location into the Google search bar and look at the list of dental practices that appear on your page.

Look at the order that they appear in. The ones near the top of the list are your biggest competitors.

Firstly you will be able to get an idea of how many dental practices you are competing against and then you need to analyse each of the competitors by looking into their websites, looking at their reviews and finding out what their ratings are.

You can compare this to your dental practice if you already have a website and are already listed online or if you are a new dental practice then this can give you ideas as to how to begin your dental marketing campaign.

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Who is the most popular and why?

By clicking on the first website on the Google Search results list you will have found one of the most popular dental practices in your area. There could be many reasons for why they are the most popular or why they have been listed highly for best dental practice in your area.

It may be because they have an excellent SEO campaign, they may have the highest number of five star ratings, or they may have been established in the area the longest and have the highest number of patients, there are also many other possibilities.

By finding out what makes them the best dental practice in your area, according to Google, it will help you get ideas on how to improve your ranking so that one day you can eventually reach that top position.

One of the most important dental marketing strategies is competitor analysis to find out which other dental practices are in your area are and what they offer.Seek professional help

You need to speak to a digital marketing team that specialises in creating dental marketing campaigns. Armed with the information with respect to your competitors, you can discuss what you are looking for from your campaign and your marketing team will also be able to find out what you need to stand out from amongst the crowd and rise to the top.


The higher you rank on the Google search results list the greater chance you have of attracting patients to your dental practice. This is known as search engine optimisation or SEO.

This means improving your website according to what potential patients are looking for so that when they type their search terms, Google recognises that you are able to answer their queries better than your competitors and therefore lists your website before others.

A specialist digital marketing team will be able to help you put together a successful SEO campaign on your behalf designed to meet the ever-changing trends in digital marketing, so that you remain one step ahead of the other dental practices in your area.

Adding a blog section to your website and adding keywords to posts and other SEO techniques will attract new patients on a regular basis to boost the success of your business.

Competitor Analysis in Dental Marketing

So, do you know who your competitors are?  What dental marketing strategies are you using for your dental practice?

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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