6 Branding Trends in 2021

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Branding trends are ever-changing and if you want to maintain an edge over your competitors, you need to reinvent your brand every now and again.  As an entrepreneur or founder of a company, it’s equally important to create yourself as a brand.

If you are creating a new brand or re-imagining your existing your brand, you can stand out among the crowd and attract your target audience, with the right startup PR Agency.

So, let’s have a look at the latest branding trends in 2021.

6 Branding Trends in 2021

Branding Trends in 2021

1. The Humanizing Effect

People love seeing humans, especially in social media posts. More and more companies choose people to represent their brand, especially faces with personality.

Often, businesses make use of an illustrated portrayal of an actual person. Not only does this give them better control over the final outcome, but it opens up more doors for various artistic styles that can communicate the type of brand they are.

You can stand out among the crowd and attract your target audience with the right PR Agency.     Start by discovering the Top  6 Branding Trends in 2021, Thanks to Brandstyle Communications.  #brandingtrends2021 #brandingstrategies #brandingcompany #PR #PRAgency #publicrelationsagency #brandstyle #brandstylePR2. Using Playful Art

This is particularly useful if your aim is to attract a younger market. Your branding materials must exhibit a distinguished uniqueness or whimsical factor.

Choosing a characteristic image that is playful and humorous is usually widely recognized and memorable – two things that are essential when it comes to branding. Some brands choose hand-drawn characters. Don’t be shy to try new things.

3. Jazzing it up with Patterns

You will be surprised to learn that one of the latest branding trends is incorporating patterns as an extension of your trademark.

Large sections of repetitive graphics are used to create a hypnotic wallpaper appearance.

Patterns are not substituting your main image or logo. If used in the right place like your webpage background, an ad, t-shirt, or printed menu, can give your brand experience the edge you are looking for.

4. Using Bold Brand Colours

Old-style branding postulates involves a simple, steady colour scheme that is a suitable choice since consumers learn to relate your brand with a few key colours. But it could be restricting your brand at the same time if you are looking to portray your brand identity by using more intricate colour schemes with different colours to represent your products.

In 2021, bold and intense colours are used for representing what a brand stands for. This is why more brands start experimenting with avant-garde, daring colour schemes with loads of intensity and variation.

5. Taking a Stance

For customers, it is important that the brands they are supporting stand for something, whether environmental, societal, or economical. In the eyes of customers, brands who do not take a stand for something, really stand for zero.

6. Roughing it Up

Some audiences relate more to brands that do not scream perfection. They connect more with brands that look a little rough around the edges, with scribbled writing, asymmetry, and uneven imagery.

Purposeful flawed band design combined with handwritten typography and artworks sits well with fresher, more forward-thinking audiences.


Looking at all the fresh branding trends in 2021, we are noticing a visible shift towards connection and personalization. The human side of brands are more relevant than ever, and the brand-consumer connection is less about money and more about emotion and friendship.

People connect with their favourite brands over social media, clicking on ads, and opening email newsletter whenever they see them. Good branding means taking advantage of this and making the most of your branding efforts.

This post was sponsored by BrandStyle Communications – a globally recognised PR Agency specialising in shaping brands, founders and entrepreneurs.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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