Time for Mommy to Explore her Own Career Options

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Here is a list of jobs that perhaps you never thought of pursuing yet you could fit around your hectic working mommy life - the best bioengineering programs. #bestbioengineeringprogramsBeing a mom is a job in itself. It is a 24- hours, 7 day-a-week, 365-days-a-year job.

It is hard work, emotional, but ultimately so rewarding (even when it doesn’t always feel so). Once your little ones are past the terrible twos and are in school, why not think about what you want to do career-wise.

Yes, you want to look after your little treasures, but at the same time do not forget that you can also try and fit in a little study time or apply for a career that you have never thought of doing before, because well, you want to and have never had the opportunity to do so up until now.

There are a plethora of job opportunities out there that you could do part-time to suit your mommy schedule and work or study from home, even when the children are there.

Best Bioengineering Programs

Here is a list of jobs that perhaps you had never thought of pursuing yet you could fit around your hectic working mommy life.

Agricultural Engineering 

To become an agricultural engineer you would be combining various different aspects such as electrical, chemical, mechanical, and civil engineering in order to deal with the relevant farming and food productions. This would be a fairly physical job as you would be utilizing machinery, and farming tools and equipment.

You don’t necessarily need a Bachelor’s degree, even though they usually specify this when applying, however, you could just enrol in a course prior to this so that you can fit this in along with your mommy duties before approaching this one. The more training you require, the higher the salary you could receive as experience counts for a lot in this field.

Become a BioengineerImage Credit: Pexels

Become a Bioengineer 

In order to pursue a career in bioengineering, you would be combining various different subjects together which are primarily mathematics, life sciences, and engineering so that you eventually resolve any issues within the biological, medical and scientific field.

In order to obtain the best bioengineering programs for you, have a look at the variety of options available to cater your availability, expenses and suitability.

Biomedical Engineer 

If a Biomedical Engineer interests you, you would be utilizing your technical and analytical skills in order to solve problems within the medicine and biology industry.

As we have seen in this past year with the COVID-19 pandemic, this particular field is extremely crucial, as you would be responsible for developing life-changing health care innovations and producing designs for advanced mechanical devices, which could save a lot of lives. If you want to be a part of this world, then this is for you.

Data Scientist 

In order to begin with this career path, you could initially start with a data science bootcamp, which would be a lot easier to balance with your mom duties if you don’t particularly want to go to university to study for a bachelor’s degree. If you don’t particularly enjoy office work, you would get the opportunity to work outdoors with this field which is a positive if you prefer being amongst nature.

You would be combining various elements together in order to provide a solution to solve environmental problems, which is increasingly becoming such an important issue in 2021 with regards to global warming and how we are affecting the planet. You could be involved in creating momentous changes with this role.

Environmental Engineer
Image Credit: Pexels

Environmental Engineer

For this one you would need to obtain a bachelor’s degree to become an Environmental Engineer, so be prepared to study prior to attempting this. If you want to progress to a Master’s level too, then the likelihood of being paid more increases, if this is important to you. Some companies are likely to provide an internship with relevant working experience.

These are just examples of jobs that you could potentially try as they are based on doing a course that you could fit in with your own lifestyle and don’t always necessarily require a University degree. Even if they do, perhaps this could be something you could explore as an option too if the idea of studying appeals to you.

Being a mommy doesn’t mean that you have to just sit at home knitting and baking. The internet is your tool, so use it to your advantage and explore the job market and opportunities available to you out there. You deserve to do something for you for once.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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