Boosting Cohesion Within Your Team

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Boosting Cohesion Within Your Team

It’s no secret that employers and employees have faced unprecedented challenges over the course of the last year. One of the main problems for business owners was a sudden, unexpected switch to remote working.

With employees scattered all over cities and opportunities to meet in the flesh limited, cohesion is more important than ever.

In this guide, we’ll discuss effective ways to increase cohesion and strengthen ties.

With the unexpected switch to remote working, cohesion is more important than ever. Here are some effective ways to boost cohesion in your team. #boostingcohesion Virtual communications

Virtual communication channels and advanced technology have played a critical role in enabling businesses to continue operating while offices were closed.

If you’re still working remotely, it’s essential to prioritise getting together via video calls and conferences and to encourage your team to check-in with colleagues on a regular basis.

Organise social events, as well as meetings and make it easy for people to share ideas, put suggestions forward or raise concerns. It can be beneficial to establish routines when working from different locations.

Stick to core hours and plan frequent meetings throughout the week. It’s also beneficial to use programs, tools and software that enable smaller groups or individuals to talk and work together.

Planning events

There will come a time when it’s safe to attend and plan events. If your employees have been away from the office for months, it’s an excellent idea to organise an event to get everyone together, to debrief on what has happened, to discuss objectives moving forward and to learn from experts.

From conferences and lectures to meetings and networking events, you can take advantage of the benefits of hiring a conference and event organiser to ensure the day runs smoothly and save time and stress.

Offer opportunities for employees to speak and share their experiences, invite keynote speakers or experts to address the audience or plan an interactive meeting where everyone has the chance to talk.

Working together

Many business tasks involve working as a team and joining forces with colleagues or other departments or teams to get the job done. It’s not always easy to bring a group of people together, but there are ways to simplify the task and maximise the chances of successful outcomes.

Create communal spaces, facilitate seamless communications online via cutting-edge technology and identify clear objectives. Get together frequently either in person or virtually, update progress continuously and make sure every individual understands their role.

Planning events and working together

Image Credit:  Pexels

Celebrating success

There’s nothing more satisfying than getting good results when you’ve worked hard and put a lot of time and effort into something. If you manage a team of people, encourage togetherness from the outset.

Outline clear goals, bring people together to work collaboratively, share the load and celebrate as a unit.

Even the simplest things like a drink over Zoom or a pizza delivery on a Friday afternoon can lift spirits, motivate employees and bring a bit of fun into the working day.

The last year has been tough for business owners, team leaders and employees. As we look to the future, it’s essential to prioritise cohesion and collaboration. Embrace virtual communications and technology, plan events when it’s safe to do so, communicate and work together and celebrate successes as a team.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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