Whether you are an individual fresh out of school that may be entering into the workforce or are currently in the market for a new job, there is one thing for certain that can help to increase your level of professionalism and that is a straight, radiant smile.
To many, this may seem odd, but quite frankly a lot can be said about a person who takes good care of their teeth.
For starters, interviewers are likely to notice physical appearance at first glance, which means that something as simple as a smile can play an important role when looking for a job.
To put this into some perspective, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, nearly 75% of all Americans believe an unattractive smile can adversely affect professional advancement.
This shows that something as small as a smile could either help or hinder your shot at a new position when up against another candidate.
Increasing Professionalism
A straight smile can also contribute to your professionalism by boosting your self-esteem. With a smile that you feel confident and comfortable in, others will certainly notice this and recognize how approachable you are.
Being approachable in the workforce is an excellent trait since this indicates that you will be likely to communicate and work smoothly with others.
No matter your position, it is likely that at some point you will be working within a group setting at whether on a team or with a partner and by having the confidence to delegate tasks, you can better yourself as an employee by building professional relationships.
Furthermore, a straight smile lets others know a lot about your work ethic as a professional individual. Those who take the time to practice good oral hygiene habits shows that you value yourself and the effort that you put into tasks such as taking care of your teeth.
It may even show that you are detail-oriented if you have a specific regiment that you like to stick to for your oral hygiene routine. Many can sense if you are particular about how your teeth look, you’ll be particular about how tasks get done and make certain that they get done correctly.
Next Steps For Career Goals
If you may be looking for ways to increase your professional appearance, the best thing you can do is start with your smile! Whether this means to find a healthy oral hygiene routine that works for you or to also find the time to meet with a dentist or orthodontist to discuss treatment.
No matter what, the time is now to improve your smile to help you advance in any career goals that you may have.
Most importantly, do not let age limit be a factor when choosing to put your smile first to increase your professional appearance. Whether you are in your 20’s or 60’s, it has been proven that a straight, beautiful smile alone can help to advance your professionalism.
Have you had your teeth straightened? How do you feel it affected your confidence and career? We would love to hear your personal story in the comments below.