3 Career Ideas For Those Who Love To Travel

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Are you someone who’s been bitten by the travel bug? We’ve listed three excellent career ideas for you to consider. If traveling is your thing, then it’s only natural for you to quit your job and set out to parts unknown! However, seeing as you need to bring in a regular income, this isn’t really a viable choice to make if you haven’t done your homework first.

But, if you do want to see more of the world while still making some good money, it’s worth considering a career in a travel-related field. And trust us when we say there are hundreds of those out there! So why not advance your career in a direction you’d really like to go? If that sounds like a good idea to you, here are just three career ideas that could be perfect for anyone who loves to travel.

3 Career Ideas For Those Who Love To Travel

career ideasBecome a Travel Writer

Travel writing pairs the best of traveling and blogging together in one neat package. You get to head abroad to any city you fancy, write up a few posts about your time there (reviews, recounts of the day, general tips for visiting this one destination), and then come home again. 

The more you do this, the bigger a name you’ll make for yourself, and the more likely you are to receive sponsorship offers and exclusive deals. And you know what that means? More travel opportunities! You could even write your own book about working and traveling one day too.

Or, you can start up a YouTube channel and vlog as you’re on the go. Indeed, there are so many ways to make content when you’re a traveler, and diversifying is a great way to maximize your income too. 

Take on Long Haul Trucking

Working as a truck driver can take you all over the country, and across international waters as well. You’re behind the wheel, you can customize your cabin in a way that suits you, and you can earn as you go – that’s the kind of working setup many people would love. 

Of course, you need to be confident in your driving skills, but most employers will provide training and mentorship before they let you go out on the road alone. One such company is Tri-State Hazmat, who provide a wealth of logistics positions, but feel free to apply to more than one company at a time. 

Offer Marketing Consultant Services

3 Career Ideas For Those Who Love To Travel | marketing consultant

Thousands of companies across the globe are in need of marketing services. Why let a stretch of water hold you back? If you’ve got a marketing background, becoming a consultant means you can travel to meet these companies where they are. That could mean 10 or more trips abroad per year, and if you’ve got some serious wanderlust about you, that probably sounds like an amazing number! Not to mention the majority of your expenses are likely to be paid, and if you’re away for a week or more, you won’t have to be in business mode the whole time. 

Final Thoughts

If you love to travel, you can consider any of the above listed career ideas. They could be perfect for you!

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