Work-Life Balance for Stay at Home Moms

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Work-Life Balance for Stay at Home Moms

If you are a stay at home mom and you feel like your work-life balance is out of whack, take heart! You’re not alone.

Fortunately, the internet is full of tips and tricks that can help you keep things in check.

In this blog post, we have compiled some of the best ones for your convenience.

If you feel like your work-life balance is out of whack, take heart! You are not alone. Try out these top tips on work-life balance for stay-at-home Moms.Virtual Meetings and Networking

If you have to travel and can’t take your baby with you on the road because of work or family obligations, try using video conferencing software like Skype for Business. It’s a great way to still be in touch without having to worry about missing out on any interactions.

Plus, it guarantees that even if one person ends up being unavailable at the scheduled time, there are likely others who will be able to step up as a backup.

You can also acquire an office from Executive Workspace to schedule and hold virtual meetings wherever and whenever.

Time Management Hacks

Create a to-do list and assign deadlines for everything you’re juggling. Prioritizing your day will make it easier when you have to say “no” to some things on occasion. The trick is figuring out what’s most essential and tackling those tasks first while still making time for the other items on your plates.

This way, not only do you get ahead in terms of completing assignments but also keep up morale.


If you find that everything is overwhelming and not going anywhere, it may be time to consider outsourcing some functions. For example, maybe your house needs a good cleaning, but you don’t have the time or inclination for this. So, hire someone on TaskRabbit who can come in with their supplies and get all of those hard-to-reach spots!

Similarly, there are also meal delivery services like HelloFresh, which do grocery shopping and delivery for you.


Sometimes people find that they’re less focused in the office because they don’t have as much to keep them entertained at home. If this is a problem for you, try taking on some tasks where you are working from home: making phone calls, conducting interviews, or even writing blog posts – anything that will give your brain something new and engaging to focus on.

This way, when you sit down at the computer, there’s no chance of falling into an information overload.


A working stay-at-home mom might feel like she doesn’t have time for exercise during her day, but if she sets out 15 minutes every morning to do some exercises, it can make all the difference. When she’s already left the house, she won’t have any excuses not to get her workout in and then it will be over before she knows it.

She can make sure to reserve one day a week for exercise to avoid burnout or injury from doing too much at once.

Work-Life Balance for Stay at Home Moms | FryjryPNTcxCg2eixtMVm1e7Oq0ciAijqZE54hhrKxPJccRT zadllX9bNnCu6DqGNivkbXIaqqdm8YtvAKIE4Fv0 Fu14GtXkaEppGSIdY67NdEGIE1ZZlUaNfnc4u0mj021pHS

Image Credit: Pexels


Every mom feels like they need more sleep than usual when caring for infants, but with school schedules, family obligations, and other responsibilities, there just isn’t enough time. One thing that works well is getting up early every morning (or staying awake late) so you can go ahead and take a nap during the afternoon between three to four o’clock – often called “siesta.”

This way, no matter how hectic things are in the afternoon, you can still feel rested and have plenty of energy to tackle your evening tasks.

Bedtime Routines

Saying “good night” to your children at a consistent time every day is also an important way for them to feel loved and cared for. In addition, it helps you maintain their sleep schedule and get your much needed alone time to unwind or wrap up your work without distractions.

Benefits of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

A day in the life of a stay-at-home mum is never dull. You will always have something to do, and when it’s time for the kids to go back to school or start their new job, you’ll be ready with some great advice on how they can adapt more easily to this new phase of their lives.

When your children are sick, or you have a family emergency that requires your attention, being home is more comfortable than work. For one, you’ll be able to provide constant care for quick recovery and be there in case of emergencies.

You can also spend quality bonding time with your kids and spouse without neglecting your work or vice versa, creating the ultimate work-life balance.


It’s easy to feel like you’re taking on too much at once, but with these tips and tricks, you’ll find the work-life balance achievable.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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