3 Reasons Why The Nature Of Marketing Is Changing

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In today’s post, we share three reasons why the nature of marketing is changing. Marketing is a fascinating discipline to study because in one hundred years, it’s changed so much that it’s barely recognizable. Before, shouting about a product on a street corner, running advertisements in print materials, curating word-of-mouth approaches, and of course, big billboards and posters were all the rage. Now, fragrance advertisements barely even show you what they’re selling until the end. Instead, they show cool people with perfect hair driving on a motorcycle.

Moreover, the tech revolution has left a whole library of advertisements and marketing material gracing (or polluting) the digital rectangle we find in our pockets from day to day. If you were to tell the guys from Mad Men how much marketing has changed and how irrelevant their slick-as-anything spiel to potential clients has become, and they would throw you out of their office. For this reason, it’s important to understand exactly how marketing has changed, but more importantly, why the nature of marketing is changing so much today, again. In this post, we’ll discuss all of that and more:

3 Reasons Why The Nature of Marketing is Changing

marketing is changing1. AI-Driven Content Is Making Good Copy Essential

We’ve all seen smart copy designed to sell you on an idea, sell a story, and keep you reading. We’re trying to do that in this post. However, it’s also true to say that AI is becoming more and more adept at this now, to the point where many firms are just using these outright for marketing ideas and content.

Unfortunately, this can be rather hollow, and so specialized, well-integrated copy designed with the full understanding of an audience and its needs is essential. The importance of outsourcing reliable copy is very important, as marketing “spiel” is set to become the norm, from every angle.

2. Companies Care Less For Super-Sharp Brand Image

As we’ve seen with Duolingo and Ryanair, sometimes, appealing to your audience is more important than being seen as an infallible brand that can do no wrong.

Some firms aren’t afraid to make funny jokes or to be self-critical, to make light of past failings while still showing professionalism. As such, it’s good for your brand image to be less brittle, but to be more human, genuinely human, and to make strides in that direction. If you can achieve that, you’re sure to appeal to the youth who prizes authenticity above all.

3. It’s All About The Value-First Approach

With hundreds of companies to select from at the touch of a button, it’s important to realize that many people can just ignore your firm if it has nothing new to offer.

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This is why many companies are using a value-first approach, such as by offering free trials, samples, first mini-product free, or money-back guarantees to ensure that the first trust-step is properly incentivized. In other words, you have to add value out of the gate, not just convince a potential customer that you have value if only they’d trust you. How this is integrated into your own marketing can differ, but with tools like the Amazon repricer, you can ensure it’s always relevant and aligned with your brand goals.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the reasons behind why the nature of marketing is changing, you can adopt different business strategies to keep up with the changing trends and benefit as a result.


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