Planning to Spread Your Wings to New Locations? | Top Tips to Prepare Your Children for a Big Move

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5 Top Tips to Prepare Your Children for a Big Move |

As an inspired business entrepreneur, you’re probably not a stranger to making significant changes in your life. However, even if you’re used to it, there’s no denying that changes can be stressful – even more so when you have kids. And one of the biggest changes for you and your family would be moving to a different location.

Whether you’re moving a few cities over for better schools or across the country for more business opportunities, it’s a change that will be difficult for your children no matter what you do.

Fortunately, there are ways to make things easier for everyone involved. Explore the top ways to prepare your children for a big move and make things as stress-free as possible.

5 Top Tips to Prepare Your Children for a Big Move

5 Top Tips to Prepare Your Children for a Big Move

1. Don’t delay the news

Perhaps the biggest mistake most parents make when preparing for a big move is keeping their children in the dark to avoid stressing them out.

If you’re like most people, you’ll likely first have to sell your current home before moving. According to real estate agents in northern Virginia, “over 80% of buyers looking for a home need to sell their home before they can buy.”

Therefore, your children will certainly notice it when real estate agents start coming to your place in the middle of the day. Moreover, they’ll see that you’re keeping something from them.

Not knowing will be significantly more stressful for your children than telling them honestly what’s going on. The sooner you tell them, the more time they’ll have to brace for the changes and accept them.

Planning to relocate your home and business? First, explore these top ways to prepare your children for a big move and make things as stress-free as possible.2. Acknowledge their feelings

While you might be excited about the move, your children might initially be devastated. It’s a big loss – they’re losing the school they go to, the friends they’ve made, the park they frequent. Their entire lives will be disrupted, and they might not realize that it’s a positive change.

You’ll need to help them by acknowledging their feelings and helping them overcome their grief.

Before you move, you’ll likely need to prepare for all five stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Don’t just dismiss these stages and tell your children to deal with the fact that you’re moving. Talk your children through their feelings. You might even want to consider scheduling a few family counselling sessions to overcome any issues before they even arise.

3. Include your children in the decision-making processes

The best way to get your kids excited about the prospect of moving is by including them in your decision-making processes. Of course, your children will probably have no say in when you’ll move or where you’ll go. However, you should include them in your decisions as much as possible.

If possible, let them help you choose the new home from a list you’ve pre-approved.

Alternatively, allow them to create a list of some of the features they’d like the home to have. Allow them to select the wallpapers for their bedrooms or ask them for their opinion about the living room decor.

By including them in your decision-making processes, you’ll help them realize they’re not just the victims of your choices. They’ll have some say in how the move will go, which could help them realize that moving isn’t so bad after all.

4. Familiarize them with the new home

If possible, it’s always a good idea to familiarize your children with their new home well before you move. If you have the opportunity to physically visit the house, make sure to take your children with you so that they can explore the backyard, learn where their room would be, and even see more of the neighbourhood.

If you’re moving across the country and can’t visit the location before the move, show them as many pictures of the home as possible. Take things a step further by searching for the address on Google Maps and virtually exploring the surroundings with your kids. It’s a small thing that can get them surprisingly excited about the move.

5. Try to time your move just right

If you can, you should always strive to time your move just right. As a general rule of thumb, the best time to move would be between two school years, around midsummer.

Primarily, you won’t have to worry about your children’s grades suffering because of the confusion around the move. Secondly, you’ll give your kids enough time to say goodbye to their friends at the beginning of the summer vacation and enough time to familiarize themselves with the new surroundings towards the end of it.

They might even get the opportunity to make new friends right in time for the new school year.

Final Thoughts on How to Prepare Your Children For a Big Move

Regardless of why you’re moving or where you’re going, helping your children prepare for the big change is essential. Have patience and understanding, and ensure your kids know what’s happening and why. The more honest you are with them, the easier it will be for them to accept and embrace the changes.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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