Staff Productivity Is Fueled by Motivation

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5 Office Decor Elements You Can Apply to Keep Your Team Motivated


In a corporate setting, productivity is everything. It’s one of the most important factors when it comes to your bottom line.

But it’s much more than that. It’s the result of how happy your team is, so making sure that your premises are pleasing to one’s eyes should be one of your highest priorities.

Before getting started, however, you’re going to need some fuel for inspiration. Here are a handful of ideas:

Is your office decor motivational? No? Here are 5 ideas you can use to spruce it up and improve staff morale. #OfficeDecor #MotivationalOfficeDecor1. Colourful Rugs

Not only do they add colour to the environment, but also they are quite pleasant to walk on, prevent scratches, and also make a notable contribution to sound absorption so the room doesn’t echo as much.

The experts recommend that you should choose a colour combination that won’t be as heavy on the eyes. However, it shouldn’t be too dark and depressing either (unless that’s the style you’re aiming for).

There are plenty of materials to choose from, so take your time when choosing one.

2. Posters

The good thing about posters is that they’re very cost-effective. For just a small investment, you can completely transform that dull old wall into something fun and colourful.

You can also try to match their colours with existing décor elements in your office. Whenever you get tired of them and you’d like to try something fresh, replacing them can be done on the cheap.

3. Unique furniture

Furniture, when picked correctly, can be both functional and eye-pleasing at the same time. Armoires, tables, chairs, coffee tables… and the list goes on.

When choosing what to put in your office, it’s good to stick to a certain theme. In case you need some good suggestions, head on over to office fitout sydney and see what they recommend.

4. Flowers

Not only do flowers smell nice, but also they are a pleasant addition to the overall atmosphere inside the building.

The only downside is having to replace them often, but if you buy potted flowers, this is much less of a concern.

If you want to go super cheap, there’s always the option of buying fake ones.

5. Coffee station

Let’s face it; if you want to keep your team motivated, pleasant scenery alone isn’t going to cut it. To keep them both motivated and engaged, you need to set up some objects they can interact with.

For that purpose, what’s better than having a couple of coffee stations installed? Sipping on a cup of coffee is sure to keep them awake if they’re working overtime and long into the night. Besides, who wants to start a morning without one?


These are merely a couple of suggestions, but the underlying premise is that by using your creativity and imagination, you can truly bring a boring old office space to life.

In the end, everybody wins; you, your visitors, and your employees will feel better and enjoy their stay in the building.

While reaching these goals will probably require a bit of an investment in the beginning, nothing is more certain to pay off somewhere down the line.

How motivating is your office decor?

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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