Make Money with just a Few Clicks…

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The world is a completely different place to what it used to be at the start of the year. It feels like forever that the world has been going wrong.

First the natural disasters, the coronavirus outbreak, and now the riots.

The world is shutting down for so many different reasons, and it can become hard for people to make their usual income, and therefore hard to maintain their usual lifestyle.

Does this sound like something you can relate to? Has your life recently completely changed?

Well if it has, you’re not alone.

The world is standing together at the moment for many different reasons, and we’re often neglecting ourselves whilst doing so.

So, if you know you’re getting to the point where you need to make some more money, all you need to do is tap the mouse a few times and you can make money.

If you’re wondering just how you can do this, all you have to do is keep on reading and we’ll tell you.

Feel like the rugs been pulled out from under your feet? Thanks to the internet, we can now sit in the comfort of our own homes and make money. Here are 3 ways.  #makemoneyonline Buying & Selling

Buying and selling are pretty much what every business owner is doing. You can buy products or parts to sell to make another product or service, and you can make money from it.

Luckily there are a ton of ways that you can do so thanks to the internet. We can now sit in the comfort of our own homes and buy and sell products easily.

The first way of doing so is having a good old clear-out of your home and see what you have to sell.

There are apps that you can easily sell old clothes from, and if you have a whole load to sell you’ll be surprised as to how much you can make.

The second is to take it up a notch, and find products cheaper and then sell them at a higher rate.

You can find out How To Sell On Amazon Step By Step which is a really popular platform to sell from. Amazon is a far more trusted website that some of the others you could choose to go to, and therefore people use it far more, making it easier to make money.

Always make sure you’re sticking to the rules of the website you’re selling from.


Blogging is one of the easiest and most underrated ways of making money. There is still somewhat of a gap in the market for bloggers, so don’t feel like the market is too crowded and you won’t be able to make any money.

All you need to do is set up a good blog, be consistent with your posts, and gain a good following. If you don’t make money through direct brand collaborations, you’ll find it through affiliate marketing, or content marketing where you write and publish sponsored posts.

Once you have a good following it will be so much easier to make money because your blog will be more accredited. The hardest part of blogging is actually finding your niche and a domain name that you like that’s available, the actual blogging is easy.

If you’re a business owner who’s looking to add a blog to your business, you can hire a website designer to design your website, a content writer to write your posts for you, a graphic designer to create your images for social media and a social media manager to handle your marketing on social media.


Alternatively, if blogging or e-commerce become your passion, you can learn the nuts and bolts of buying and selling online, web design, content writing, graphic design or social media management and you can sell your skills on a freelance platform like Freelancer or Fiverr.  Or any skill you have mastered, for that matter.

These are just three ways you can make money online with a few clicks. There are so many more.   Have a look at all the posts in our category, “Online Marketing” and pick your favourite option.

Are you making money online?  Share your story in the comments below.

Image Credit: Flickr

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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