5 Signs Your Internal Communication Needs An Upgrade & How To Go About It

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Effective internal communication is the backbone of any thriving organization. It ensures that every team member is on the same page, fostering a collaborative work environment and enhancing productivity.

Recognizing the signs that your internal communication needs an upgrade is the first step towards making meaningful improvements.

Below, we’ll look at these signs and some solutions, including how a company like https://intranet.ai/ could be the answer.

Internal Communication Lacking

Signs Your Internal Communication Might Be Lacking

1. Information Silos and Disconnected Teams

When teams operate in silos without adequate communication, it not only hampers productivity but also affects morale. If you notice that departments are often out of sync or unaware of what others are working on, it’s a sign that your communication channels might be ineffective.

2. Frequent Misunderstandings and Errors

Regular occurrences of misunderstandings or errors in executing tasks can indicate poor communication. Effective communication helps in clearly defining roles and responsibilities, reducing the chances of mistakes.

3. Low Employee Engagement

If engagement levels among your staff are declining, it could be due to inadequate or ineffective communication. Employees who are well-informed and feel their voices are heard are more likely to be engaged with their work.

4. Overdependence on Email

Reliance solely on emails for internal communication often leads to cluttered inboxes and important messages being overlooked. If your team dreads opening their email, it’s time to consider more efficient communication tools.

5. Lack of Real-Time Communication

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the ability to communicate in real-time is crucial. If your current system doesn’t allow for instant feedback or quick resolution of issues, it could be slowing down your operations.

How to Upgrade Your Internal Communication

Here are 5 signs your internal communication might be lacking and how you can you go about upgrading it, encouraging an office culture of open communication.Step 1: Assess Your Current Communications Landscape

Take a comprehensive look at the tools and processes you currently use. Gather feedback from employees about what’s working and what’s not. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or workshops.

Step 2: Set Clear Communication Goals

Define what successful communication looks like for your organization. This could be improving transparency, increasing engagement, or enhancing collaboration across departments.

Step 3: Explore Modern Communication Tools

Consider modern communication solutions that can replace or complement your existing tools. For organizations using Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online, an intranet solution can be particularly effective.

Integrating an Intranet Solution

An intranet solution for Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online can serve as a centralized hub for all internal communications. Here’s why it’s beneficial:

  • Centralized Information – An intranet can house all your essential documents, news, and updates in one place, accessible to everyone.
  • Enhanced Collaboration – It allows for better collaboration through social features like forums, blogs, and team sites.
  • Customizable Features – You can tailor your intranet to meet the specific needs of your organization, enhancing usability and adoption.
  • Integration with Familiar Tools – Since it integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365, employees can continue using familiar tools like Teams, Outlook, and more.

Step 4: Implement and Train

Once you’ve chosen the right tools, implement them with a clear roll-out strategy. Provide comprehensive training to ensure everyone can utilize the new tools effectively.

Step 5: Monitor and Iterate

Keep track of how the new tools and strategies are performing. Solicit ongoing feedback and be prepared to make adjustments as needed.

Open Internal Communication

Encouraging a Culture of Open Communication

Creating an Open Dialogue

Cultivating an open communication culture is vital. It encourages transparency and trust, which are essential for any organization’s success. Here’s how you can encourage this environment:

Promote Open Door Policies

Encourage leaders to maintain an open-door policy, signaling that they are approachable and willing to listen. This can break down hierarchical barriers and foster a more inclusive atmosphere.

Facilitate Regular Check-Ins

Implement regular check-ins not just for project updates but for employees to voice concerns and suggestions. These can be in the form of one-on-one meetings or team huddles that focus on open dialogue rather than just status updates.

Encourage Cross-Departmental Interactions

Organize events or meetings that bring different departments together. This not only improves relationships across the organization but also enhances mutual understanding of varied roles and challenges within the company.

Recognize and Reward Open Communication

Acknowledge and reward behaviors that promote transparency and open communication. Recognitions can be as simple as acknowledging someone’s effort during meetings or through more formal reward systems that highlight these traits.

Leveraging Technology to Enhance Openness

With the right tools, promoting an open communication culture can be more effective. An intranet solution, particularly within platforms like Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online, can play a crucial role here:

  • Feedback Channels – Implement features within your intranet that allow for anonymous feedback or suggestions. This can make employees feel safer in expressing honest opinions and ideas.
  • Social Features – Utilize the social networking features of the intranet to create a more relaxed and interactive space where employees can share and connect beyond work topics.
  • Accessible Leadership – Create special content areas where leaders share updates or thoughts, and encourage them to actively engage with employee posts. This visibility can make leadership seem more relatable and accessible.


By recognizing the signs of ineffective communication and taking proactive steps to address them, you can create a more connected and productive workplace.

Related: Talking the Talk: Focusing on Communication in Your Workplace

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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