How to Start a Business at Home

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During lockdown, more people than ever are thinking of how they can finally start their own business at home or pivot existing businesses to suit the market’s needs.

I have a number of friends who are putting their sewing skills to use and making masks.

I also have a number of friends who were too afraid to appear on video before and are now appearing on YouTube, Zoom or doing Facebook Lives.

Homeschooling Moms and Teachers are showing the ropes to Moms who find themselves suddenly homeschooling.

Artists and Coaches are creating online workshops for Moms or children in distress.

Moms are baking or making nutritious meals for the elderly.

And did you know that cleaning services are considered essential in most countries?  Get your cleaning business cards over at Basic Invite.

Watch this inspirational video, “Always Clean the Light”  by Dr. Bertice Berry.

This is a time to be gutsy, to put yourself out there to serve the greater good.  

This is not a time to play small.  This the time to SHINE.

What essential services do you have to offer at this time?  How could you be making a difference? What are you feeling called to do? And how do you get started?

Below are some tips on how to set yourself up in business, now, during lockdown, or anytime you like.

Now, during lockdown, more people than ever are figuring out how to finally start their own business to cater to the market's needs. Learn how to start a business at home to deliver essential services. Gorgeous modern business cards available at Basic Invite​. #howtostartabusinessathome #workathome #lockdown #essentialservices #businessideas #sponsoredpostIt all starts with an idea

If you don’t have an idea yet, try this little exercise.

Grab your favourite notebook or even a scrap piece of paper and scribble down answers to these questions. Don’t overthink it – simply write the first things that come to mind.

Start by making a list of your skills and passions

This one should be really straightforward.

I’m really good at…

I like doing…

I am passionate about… 

Next, make a list of essential services that are required right now   

I’ve mentioned a few ideas in my opening paragraph.

You might want to make use of Google, Pinterest, YouTube or your Facebook feed for this one.  Do a little digging, market research if you like.  Speak to some friends about what they need right now.

Answer these three questions.

What does the world need right now?

What goods or services are considered essential in my country?

What problems or frustrations are the people I care about experiencing right now?

Then match up your skills and passions with what’s needed

Answer this question.

What can I offer that the world needs right now?

Now, do a quick-check for longevity

Will the world still need this after lockdown?

Or is there a simple way I can pivot after lockdown?

Remember, all great businesses started with a simple idea.  See a need, fulfil a need.

Cleaning Business Cards

Take Inspired Action

Now that you have an awesome business idea, it’s time to take inspired action.

Set up Your Home Office

Set up an office for yourself at home or at least create a small, neat space to work in your lounge, dining room or even the kitchen. Whatever works.

Create a Business Plan

Map out your business plan.  It doesn’t have to be complicated.  You certainly don’t want to slow yourself down now that you have all these exciting ideas floating around.  It could be as simple as a mindmap or a to-do-list scribbled down on some scrap paper.  Brainstorm ideas.

Google, Pinterest and YouTube are your friends at this time.  But a word of caution.  They can also suck you in and sap your valuable time.  Don’t over-research your idea because you may never get to the next crucial step.

Action Action Action

If you want to get your business off the ground quickly, you’ll need to roll up your sleeves and take massive action.

Don’t over-think it because you may get paralysis analysis and give up before you start.

Don’t get stuck on any step. If you can’t think of the perfect name for your business, just use your own name.

Perfectionism can be a delaying tactic.  Worrying you’ll make mistakes is another excuse that could stall your plans.  If you’re struggling with your mindset listen to motivational podcasts or Ted Talks while you’re washing the dishes.

Take Nike’s advice and Just Do It.  You will thank yourself later.

Promote Your Business Offline

Once you’ve decided on a name and slogan for your new business, it’s time to order some modern business cards

The best way to build your business is via word-of-mouth.  Business cards are great for that.  Always have one handy.

If you have a cork or felt board at your local supermarket where entrepreneurs pin their business cards, you can start circulating your business cards right away.

And in the not too distant future, you’ll be attending networking events in your local area to meet prospective clients.

Promote Your Business Online

You might want to set up a website, Facebook page or Instagram account.   If you have teenage children in the house, they may be willing and able to help you set up the social media side of your business.

And Voila!

You’ve just set yourself up in your own business at home.  Wishing you every success! You’ve got this Mama!

Let us know in the comments below what business idea you chose… and please keep us posted on your progress. We would love to feature you when you’re a successful entrepreneur.

*This post was sponsored by Basic Invite.  This is one of the ways I earn income from my blogs. All opinions are my own.

Basic Invite offer completely customizable stationery. Unlike most companies, you can personalize the colour of every element to make it just as unique as you are.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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