Motivating Your Multi Level Marketing Team

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How to Motivate a Sales Team (as an MLM Leader)

To me, the best part about being part of the Network Marketing industry comes once you’ve built a solid downline.  Because that’s when the hard grind is over (recruiting and sales) and all you have to do is motivate your team. 

If you have chosen to recruit leaders from the get-go, motivating them isn’t difficult, because most leaders are intrinsically self-motivated.  Real success comes in MLM when you truly are a leader of leaders.  

Still, there’s a Science behind motivating leaders and the contributed post below is spot-on.

Motivating Your Multi Level Marketing Team

Multi-Level Marketing networks have enabled many aspiring Mompreneurs to attain wealth and success beyond their most fevered imaginings.

The beauty of the way MLM businesses are structured is that most MLM companies have uncapped earnings and as your team grows, you’re essentially promoted to Management as more and more of your time is spent organizing and marshalling your team of distributors rather than selling directly to the consumer.

Since many MLM companies such as Avon, Forever Living and Juice Plus are concentric around the health and beauty industries and as legions of newly inspired excerholics hit the gym in their droves to shift the post-festive pounds, it’s a time of enormous opportunity for the savvy Multi Level Marketeer.

However motivated you may be, however, this will only translate into real and lasting success if that sense of motivation and enthusiasm is spread throughout your network.

Here are some great ways to keep your MLM team motivated…


There’s absolutely nothing more important tool in the MLM’s arsenal than events.

  • Events allow you to showcase the quality of your products, attract new members to your team and allow your team to bring their own prospects.
  • Events offer you a great platform to showcase yourself. You are, after all, the pinion upon which your whole business operates and like any CEO you have insights and pearls of wisdom that are well worth sharing. At these events it’s important to present yourself as the image of success that the rest of your team, and their subsequent teams, will aspire to (we’ll get into this in greater detail shortly).


Some of your team will be perfectly happy ticking over on their own, while others truly thrive in competition with each other. As the head of your distributor network it falls upon you to think of ways to engender healthy competition amongst your team members.

  • You should have a campaign of email communications with your team and their prospects and be in constant communication with your team.
  • You might want to provide cash rewards or free products to team members who excel in terms of sales or prospect conversion.

Track and quantify performance

It’s important to have the apparatus to track and quantify your team’s performance, not only to gauge competition results but to continue to provide a great motivational tool but allow you to identify areas of development for underperforming team members and areas for growth.

Some of your team members will be fine tracking their own progress online while others may get a kick out of receiving stubs from a check stub maker. Anything that can help your team to track or quantify their performance should be embraced.

Be an inspiration

Unlike most bosses, success stories in the world of Multi Level Marketing need to be an inspiration as well as a great leader. You must be a great advert for your products and use them to perpetuate an attractive and healthy image.

You should also project a sense of success that is achievable for each and every member of your team. While many bosses can feel intimidated or threatened by their subordinates success, you will demonstrate a sincere desire for your team to achieve ongoing success for themselves… and for you!

Feature Image by Pexels

In this day and age, digital media really helps leaders in MLM motivate their leaders. For example, Dipuo and Moses, the leaders in the MLM company I’ve just joined, Total Life Changes (TLC), are motivating their team very effectively via their Whatsapp group. Once I’ve built my team, I’ll definitely do the same.

What are you doing to motivate your MLM sales team? Or what do you feel works best?


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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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