How to Get More Sales

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How to Get more Sales using Business Software

When you’ve invented or created a stunning product or service you want the world to see as much value in it as you do.  So you get to work, defining your target market and creating your marketing strategy and the sales start rolling in.  The market is ready for your marvellous offering and they are snapping it up. It’s going swimmingly.

Until you start experiencing customer churn. Where all your sales graphs were once going up you’re now seeing sales plateau and even fall.  A new customer gained but an old customer lost, or worse – one gained and two lost. That initial momentum you were experiencing when you first went to market has ground to a halt.

What to Do?

There are a number of ways to boost sales when you start losing customers. Here are my Top 7.

7 Ways to Boost Sales in Your Business

  1. Sell to more customers – find new clients
  2. Sell more to your customers – offer more options, bring out new products or services
  3. Sell more often to your customers – greater frequency
  4. Sell more expensive products or services – offer exclusive, elite products or services or raise your prices
  5. Find more sales outlets
  6. Referrals from existing clients
  7. Reviews from existing clients

Here are a few ways Business Software can help you do all of the above.

Are you starting to experience customer churn? Here's how to drive more sales using CRM software. #howtogetmoresales #CRMSoftware #BusinessSoftware 1. Sell to More People

Get to know your existing customers intimately.  What makes them tick. Why they bought from you in the first place and what would make them jump ship or abandon ship.

This is when Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and Analytics can really come in handy.

Once you understand exactly why your customers buy from you (and why they don’t), you know how to pitch your product to future products.

2. Sell More

With a great CRM package, you can present offers of compatible products right at the point of purchase. A client who has bought from you once is very likely to buy from you again.  And they may even do it instantly if you give them the option.

3. Sell More Often

The more often you communicate with your customers, the more likely you are to get a sale.  A great way to do this is to send out regular emails with your latest offers.

A CRM Package can send out targeted messages with your latest offers to your clients.

4. Sell For More

Another great way to bring in more revenue is to create products and services that offer more value.  You could bundle some of your smaller products and services together to create a high ticket item.

You can use Product usage analytics to understand how your clients interact with your product to help you figure out which combination of products or which enhancements would be of most value.

5. Find More Sales Outlets

Your can also use Customer Analytics to detect changes in customer buying patterns.

You can send out a survey to find out where they are spending most of their time online and find other potential outlets for your products.

For example, people may buy directly through Ads on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. If you’re not advertising on these platforms, you might consider doing so.  You can also drive sales by simply building an inspirational Social Media platform.

You might find your customers like to buy directly from people they follow.  Why not ask them who they follow while you’re getting client feedback?

6. Referrals

Top Tip: Turn Satisfied Customers into Your Salesforce

Some of your customers may even have a huge following themselves. Why not incentivise clients for giving you referrals?

Perhaps it’s time for you to set up an affiliate program or try out influencer marketing?

When influencers find a brand they know and trust they love to tell their friends and followers. If you’ve become that brand, it can be highly profitable to build business relationships with your raving fans.

Get to know your Customer Analytics and you get to know your Customers.

7. Reviews

Social proof is becoming one of the main reasons clients choose to buy from one company over another.

CRM packages have excellent Customer Feedback Tools to help you gauge Customer satisfaction. You can use these stats to drive more sales.

Get Creative with Client Reviews

Here’s an idea: Pick your top 12 client survey responses and interview those clients, featuring one interview a month. You could add a video clip or podcast to your website and social media platforms.

Right? Are you ready to get more sales?  Do you have a good CRM system in place to help build a powerful sales funnel?

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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