Easy Tips for Boosting Your Fundraising Efforts

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Fundraising Tips Nonprofits

For years I’ve felt a calling to either join or start a NonProfit and recently this dream became a reality.  A few weeks ago I was appointed as the Public Officer for the NonProfit Company, Physical Literacy for Children.  We’ve set up a website and now it’s time to start bringing in some donations. That’s why I’m so excited to receive a contributed post like this one, filled with great ideas on how to do just that.  Let’s get cracking…  #FundraisingTipsNonProfits

Easy Tips for Boosting Your Fundraising Efforts

Want to maximize your fundraising efforts? Of course you do! Without donations, charities wouldn’t be able to succeed and so it’s important to get the best results from your fundraising activities.

If your fundraising needs a boost or you need some fresh ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Check out the following easy tips for boosting your fundraising efforts.

Are you ready to start raking in those donations?  Here are some excellent fundraising tips. Read more at InspiringMompreneurs.  #FundraisingTipsNonProfitsWork with partners

They say that two heads are better than one and that’s certainly the case when it comes to fundraising. If you can partner with another organization, you’ll benefit from having the reach and recognition of both sides to increase awareness and boost your efforts. Look for organizations either locally or nationally that you trust to help you with your fundraising efforts.

Don’t forget about face to face fundraising

Face to face fundraising is a classic method of raising money which is often overlooked because of quick and easy online methods. Using an experienced body like GlobalFaces Direct can help you improve results from your face to face fundraising activities, and you can click here to learn more about them. Face to face fundraising can produce some great results, so don’t be afraid to put it in your strategy.

Use video to share your story

It’s become easier for organizations to raise money thanks to online technology. Social media, in particular, is a great place to share stories and raise awareness, allowing people to donate at the touch of a button.

Charities and organizations can now create incredible and inspiring video content to help with fundraising using smartphones to save on cost. You don’t need a high production value to share a story – so get to work on finding the right stories to help you connect with your audiences.

Be clever with social content

Social media is a fantastic place to connect with new audiences and encourage donations. However, you need to make sure you post in the right way to help your organization to be seen. There’s a lot of competition for attention online, so learning how to write great content can really help you to improve your efforts and stand a better chance of raising money.

Work with influencers

Influencer marketing has been a success for many businesses, and now charities are also exploring ways to make influencer marketing work for them.

Combining influencer marketing and charities can help your organization to increase its reach, bringing people with similar interests together to raise money for a good cause.

If your ROI from your other marketing activities is proving poor, consider using influencer marketing instead to maximise your efforts and boost your fundraising totals.

Whatever your current fundraising strategy, it doesn’t hurt to review your tactics and identify new and innovative ways of fundraising. Try using some of the methods above to boost your efforts and raise as much money as possible.

The internet is full of excellent case studies to give you inspiration for simple and effective ways to maximise your fundraising achievements.

Have you ever been part of a Nonprofit?  Do you have any fundraising ideas to contribute?  Share your tips in the comments below.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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