Meet Alexa Servididio, Author of Finding Your Peace Within the Chaos

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Finding Peace Chaos

Alexa Servididio’s practice specializes in a multitude of issues including anxiety, domestic violence, depression, sexual abuse, addiction and PTSD.

She also specializes in adolescence, families, couples and individuals. She is trained in EMDR, which she typically used for treating issues such as trauma, addiction, anxiety, abuse, stuck thoughts, and OCD.

Alexa’s first book, “Finding Your Peace Within The Chaos” can be found on Amazon.* This is an affiliate link. Should you buy anything on Amazon via this link, I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you.

Finding Your Peace Within the Chaos

We ‘ASK ALEXA” about working from home in the age of COVID and  “Finding Your Peace Within the Chaos.”

She may be a well-known therapist, actress, radio host and author, but for Alexa Servididio, her greatest accomplishment happened when she became a Mom.

At the age of 43, Alexa made the brave decision to use a sperm donor and journey through IVF as a single-woman, undergoing years of injections and numerous miscarriages.

Last year, at the age of 46, Alexa gave birth to a healthy baby girl, who instantly became the center of her already busy world.

Meet Alexa Servididio, Mom, Author, Therapist, Radio and TV Personality.  We ‘ASK ALEXA” about working from home in the age of COVID and Finding Your Peace Within the Chaos. #findingpeacechaos #AlexaServididio #inspirational #inspiringmompreneur

Alexa’s Advice for Work at Home Moms

What advice do you have for other Moms who are adjusting to the new culture of working from home?

  •  It’s important to be kind to yourself and not compare yourself to others, especially on social media. Don’t get caught up in competition or give-in to “mom shamers.”  Even though you are home, realize it is still essential to take breaks and not always to answer the phone. Take “you time” that is guilt-free.

How do you manage to juggle a young daughter and a vibrant therapy practice?

  • It’s not easy. There are days that I’m exhausting, but I must push through because I need to be able to show my daughter how strong a woman, especially a mom, can be. Being a mom in and of itself is a full-time job, now that I’m a mom, my awe of what moms do daily.

Raising children seems to be getting harder. Is there some advice you can give new Moms that aren’t sure they aren’t cut out for motherhood?

  • Know yourself and always trust your gut. Everyone’s journey moves at a different pace, so you will know if and when your time is ready. Mine wasn’t until my 40’s.

Alexa’s Struggles as a Mom

What is the hardest part of being a mom?

  • The constant desire to make sure your child has everything it needs physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally. I know that someone is watching and learning from me at all times, so I need to try to be the best version of myself.

Alexa, the Radio and TV Personality

You host both a radio and TV show. What got you started in the spotlight?

  • I have been acting and modelling since I was a kid. It has taught me to approach all situations with no judgement. As an Actress, you can’t go in prejudging a character or else you can never fully immerse yourself in the role, and that’s the same philosophy I use as a therapist.  In terms of acting techniques, I have found them extremely helpful as tools to give my patients because they help them to be able to self-reflect and navigate through challenging situations.

Alexa in Quarantine

Has there been a time for you in the last few months where you have struggled personally (as a working mom) during quarantine?

  • I think we have all struggled with COVID 19, whether affected by it personally or not. It is something that is a source of anxiety for the entire world, and that’s an unusually heavy weight now that I’m a Mom and want to protect my daughter.

Alexa, the Therapist

What are some activities you would recommend for Moms to turn to for decompression these days (other than turning to wine)?

  • I think whatever makes you happy. Some people love yoga, and some people hate it. If you’re the kind of person who enjoys scrapbooking or watching reality tv, then go for it! There’s no right or wrong way to decompress. I love horror films, believe it or not, I find them cathartic.

What is the impact you want your practice to have on the world? What’s your therapeutic legacy?

  • I want to be able to provide and encourage people to be their authentic selves and to find that peace within and to know that life isn’t always perfect but still accept the roads that it takes you on.

Is there ONE piece of advice that you will give your daughter when she approaches being a teen?

  • To always be faithful to yourself and surround yourself with positive people. Also, remember that you don’t owe anybody anything. People have to earn the privilege to know you and must gain your love and trust as a person.

Alexa Servididio

Author Bio

Alexa Servodidio, LCSW is ASK ALEXA THERAPY and the author of Finding Your Peace Within the Chaos. She is the host of the radio show Insight into Healing and the TV Show, The Alexa Show.

While preparing to write her first book, Alexa started each chapter with a question from her radio show audience. She aims to inspire and engage her audience. Alexa lives her truth, balancing motherhood and her (sometimes) chaotic career.

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