Building A Strong Personal Brand As A Mompreneur

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Building a Strong Personal Brand as a Mompreneur | Inspiring Mompreneurs

For all of your hard work as a mother and a business owner, it pays to take the next leap. Branding as a mompreneur has huge advantages and can propel your business forward fast. With something as simple as a story, other moms will come to your aid and support your business like the heroes they are. So, from defining a brand to telling that story, here are some powerful tips.

5 Ways to Build a Strong Personal Brand as a Mompreneur

Building A Strong Personal Brand As A Mompreneur | AD 4nXcZuBWS8glJSiPhWwa5H4UWOseD29ZtQo7 cdQUYTknDdW2bOWY kjo4U3hg6QHrNOkfTfeosKhbGhRXg2zOc8fK7GV wjoSub1E7vVTRNUX 60uDAAccYv5qrxE 3rrxmImfsUcQ?key=qnHGAZM609MyAL OQM1WgaQl CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

1. Use the Web to Your Advantage

Of course, you have heard of the web, and you probably use it to some extent to manage your business. However, your company may exist solely in the physical world, too. But without a web presence, you are missing out on vast potential and opportunities. Advanced web methods such as SEO and social media, as taught by experts like Jason McDonald, open up your physical or digital business to a vast audience. Online, you can echo a powerful voice within your niche.

Strong Personal Brand_Pin_inspiringmompreneurs2. Define What Your Brand Is

One of the more challenging but worthwhile methods is taking the time to define what your brand actually is. Think about this for a second and ask yourself some questions; What are the values you uphold? What is the message you want to say? And what kind of audience are you trying to attract? Use these as a guide when making decisions that affect the business moving forward. Consistency in your definition will help you shape the brand and stay true to customers.

3. Commit to the Brand as a Mompreneur

Many mom businesses start out as a side hustle, a hobby, or something fun they never thought would take off. But take off, they do! When not too long ago, it would have been unthinkable for a woman to own a business; today, it is estimated there are around 4.7 million businesses owned by moms in the US. That’s quite the achievement for women globally and not just in the States! Commitment and dedication are what get people to where they are. Are you ready?

4. Tell Others Your Story

People love a good story when it comes to business. We all start somewhere, and customers, investors, and partners alike enjoy it when they can resonate with your backstory. Maybe you don’t think you are interesting. But there are always struggles, passions, and achievements along the way of any successful business career. Use this as a compelling backdrop to create, guide, and keep your vision on track. People are happy to support others they care about.

5. Hire Digital Marketing Experts

Okay, so you’re a mom, and that means you will try to do everything yourself. But sorry to say you can’t. To really elevate your brand and help it become what it can be, you will need help. Today, that help comes in the form of digital marketing agencies. DMA’s hire expert teams with the technical skills to assist your business on the web. SEO, PCC, and logo design are standard services. However, they can also manage technical stuff such as CMS and web design.


Using the web to establish an online presence will elevate your brand as a mompreneur. Committing to your business will also push it towards greatness. Of course, you need some help along the way. Digital marketing agencies have the technical know-how to get you there.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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