How a Stay-At-Home Mom Can Become a Successful Jewelry Reseller and Make 10,000 USD per Month

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As a Stay-at-Home Mom, you have the responsibility of taking care of your home and ensuring that everyone in your household is fine. However, this should not stop you from working and making money.

You can take advantage of the profitable jewelry reselling business to make as much as $10,000 monthly.

How? Read on and you will get to know more.

Just remember, becoming a successful jewelry reseller does not come on a gold platter; you need to put in effort and time to make it work. If you are ready to become a successful jewelry reseller that makes $10,000 monthly, these are the things you need to do…

Legalize Your Business

In many countries, you cannot have a home-based business like jewelry reselling without registering. So, endeavor to register as a sole proprietor that resells jewelry.

Each locality has different procedures for registering a business; so, inquire about this and go ahead with the registration.

In some countries, you may need to have a reselling permit or import license for doing your business because you may need to import products from overseas, so do some research there before initiating your business there to avoid potential legal problems/ issues later on.

Find Products that Your Target Customers want

  • Who are your target customers?
  • What are the kinds of jewelry pieces that they like?
  • How much would they be willing to spend on getting their favorite jewelry pieces?

These are the important questions that must be answered to find products that you can sell and make thousands of dollars from.

For example, if your buyers are mainly young women who love street fashions, then high fashion cheap statement earrings or necklaces will be a great choice, however, if your clients are middle-aged women, then vintage styles of jewelry will be better.

So research and pinpoint your buyers’ needs are a must.

How a Stay-At-Home Mom can Become a Successful Jewelry Reseller and Make $10,000 pm. Top Tips from a Pro Jewelry Business Development Advisor.  #JewelryReseller #StayatHomeMom #SAHM #BecomeaSuccessfulJewelryReseller #Make10000USDpermonth Have a Workspace

As a stay-at-home mom, it is easy for you to get carried away by your kids and other things.

Nevertheless, this can be detrimental to becoming a successful jewelry reseller that makes $10,000 monthly.

Therefore, create a workspace that puts you in the mood to work. You can just find a small, clean space that is usually quiet.

Set up the workspace with a laptop and other things items you need.

Your extra or old garage usually will be a great choice to find rooms, clean it up and start your career in no time.

Find a Supplier that Sells at Great Bargain Prices

When it comes to reselling any types of jewelry, the amount you purchase the jewelry pieces will go a long way in determining whether your business will be successful or not. So, look for a reliable supplier that offers you the best jewelry pieces at bargain prices.

Go to JewelryBund, SaleHoo, Alibaba, and other topnotch online wholesale jewelry suppliers or marketplaces to look for suppliers that can sell jewelry pieces to you at prices that will make it possible for you to resell at great prices.

Before doing business with any supplier, check the details of their offers, look at their online reviews and reputation, and try out some samples. If possible, you can visit the store of the supplier to check out their jewelry pieces.

Create a Platform Reselling the Jewelry

Once you have found the best jewelry that you want to resell, you need to create an online store for your business.

The likes of Shopify, Shopify Plus, and WooCommerce are available to help you create an e-commerce store for selling any products, including jewelry.

You also can starting your sales on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Market Your Jewelry Consistently

The truth is that you cannot make $10,000 monthly from your jewelry resell business unless you reach out to as many potential buyers as possible.

So, marketing can never be overemphasized when it comes to working as a stay-at-home mom that becomes a successful jewelry reseller and makes $10,000 monthly.

Some of the means of advertisement include social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and traditional media. You can also create a website and optimize it with the right keywords.

Testimonials and reviews of your previous customers can be helpful too.

Hire Employees when Necessary

After running your business for a while, you may realize that you as a stay-at-home Mom cannot handle everything with the reality that you need to handle your family as well.

Your sales are going well, so you may consider hiring more human resources to help with business development.  A close friend or relative will be a better choice in the beginning because you will enjoy working with acquaintances and their pay bills will be negotiable.

And when you are fully ready with rapid business development, more employees should be considered. At this stage, your sales will far exceed U.S.$10,000 per month already, you are more than a stay-at-home Mom doing jewelry resell business but a successful entrepreneur.

So, make the most of your need to sit at home and take care of your family by following the guide above to become a successful home-based jewelry reseller that makes $10,000 per month.

LinkedIn Richard Alexander

About the Author

Richard Alexander is a Professional Fashion Jewelry Business Development Advisor.  You can find Richard on LinkedIn.

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